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Why should breakfast be salty and not sweet?

Learn how to choose the right breakfast foods to recharge your energy for the whole day and keep your health in excellent condition.

"You look like a neural network." All about face beatification

The golden ratio is a mathematical relationship that occurs in nature and art. Appearance is considered ideal if the proportions of the face correspond to the golden ratio: the ratio of the length of the face to its width, the distance from the hairline to the chin and the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. For example, Amber Heard's appearance corresponds to the golden ratio by 92%. Is it possible to have facial plastic surgery to get closer to perfection? We will tell you in the article.

To restore healthy shine to hair or the benefits of mesotherapy

Thick and shining hair is an important sign of beauty and health. In the article we will tell you how to restore the lost radiance of curls.

How to cure chronic rhinitis?

Chronic rhinitis is a long—term specific or nonspecific inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, which can last for several months or even years. Unlike acute rhinitis, which is limited in time, chronic rhinitis develops gradually and persists for a long time.

Comfort every day: how to deal with excessive sweating?

Most people experience excessive sweating. This can be uncomfortable in everyday life. However, this problem can be solved with competent treatment and a comprehensive approach, making your life easier and brighter.

Swollen eyelids: what to do?

Our eyelid skin is sensitive to various types of exposure. The situation is familiar to everyone: after working at the computer for a long time in the morning, we see heavily swollen eyelids in the mirror. This may be a temporary irritation that will go away on its own. Or a pathological condition due to the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Do I need to contact a specialist? In the article we will tell you what else causes the eyelids to swell and how to put your appearance and health in order.

Summer injuries: first aid for bruises, dislocations and sprains

Summer is a time for walking, outdoor activities and sports. The sun and warm weather encourage us to spend more time outside and enjoy nature. But the more we move, the higher the risk of injury becomes. It is not surprising that bruises and dislocations become frequent companions of summer leisure. Of course, in case of serious injuries such as fractures, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. But what to do with less significant injuries — minor bruises, sprains with slight swelling and pain? In such cases, you can help yourself and others on your own, knowing the basics of first aid. In this article, we will tell you how to cope with injuries sustained during summer activities and quickly return to your usual lifestyle.

From contours to fullness: lip plastic surgery options

The expressive and symmetrical shape of the lips is a dream of many. It gives the face a more harmonious and aesthetic appearance. Lip contouring is suitable not only for people with lip asymmetry, but also for those who want to make them fuller and clearer. Lip shape correction is a safe and popular procedure that helps to achieve the desired aesthetic result, improve appearance and increase self—esteem.

What should I do if my ligaments are damaged?

Ligament damage is an injury in which there is a violation of the integrity of the fibers that make up the ligaments. Ligaments connect bones to each other, stabilizing joints and preventing their excessive movement. They are made up of collagen fibers, which give them strength and elasticity. But under the external influence of the ligament, the length of the ligaments almost does not change, so the fibers can rupture. Ligaments are damaged due to excessive stretching or sudden movement exceeding their normal amplitude. This can happen if you land incorrectly after a jump, fall, abruptly change the direction of movement or a direct blow to the joint.

What is the danger of flat feet and how to treat it?

Flat feet are an orthopedic problem in which the shape of the foot changes, its longitudinal and/or transverse arch decreases. Normally, the arches of the foot are responsible for cushioning and even distribution of the load when walking and running. But with flat feet, the foot cannot spring properly, which increases the load on the bones, joints and muscles of the legs.

Everything You Need to Know about an Endoscopic Facelift

Modern ideas about the youth of the face have changed a lot. Until recently, it was believed that the sign of youth is the absence of wrinkles and folds, but today the emphasis is on maintaining the volume and natural contours of the face. Over time, under the influence of gravity, the tissues of the facial mask shift, sink and lose volume, which leads to a flattening of the face. It is important not to aggravate this process by stretching the skin, but to restore the lost volumes and return the tissues to their natural position. It is on these principles that the technique of endoscopic facelift is based.

What should I do if I have a toothache?

Toothache is one of the most unpleasant sensations that a person can experience. It can appear for various reasons and interfere with life, constantly reminding you of yourself. In this article, we will tell you what to do if you have a toothache and how to relieve the pain before visiting the dentist. We will also discuss the causes of toothache, symptoms and treatment methods.

Uterine bleeding — is it worth sounding the alarm?

Abnormal uterine bleeding is when the bleeding goes beyond the normal menstrual cycle. The discharge may be more abundant or last longer. The "normal" menstrual cycle is different for everyone. But menstruation shouldn't be a problem for you.: a serious condition that prevents you from engaging in any activity, forces you to skip work or study. In the article we will tell you how to distinguish abnormal uterine bleeding.

What are the types of aging?

With age, our appearance changes, gaining new shades of attractiveness. Think of the American actress Halle Berry: her beauty becomes more refined, and the natural charm remains the same. But it can be difficult to accept these changes. To prolong the radiance of youth, it is important to determine your type of facial aging. This will help in choosing procedures for correcting age-related changes. In the article we will tell you who botulinum therapy is suitable for, and who needs SMAS lifting.

How to make a slim waist?

Tighten the corset, twist the hula hoop until you drop, or sit on strict diets? How to make a slim belly and waist like Kendall Jenner? We fully support sports and proper nutrition, as they will help to remove excess weight and get aesthetic contours of the figure. However, the waistline is more difficult. A very thin waist is a genetic lottery. If you have a wide chest and a small distance between your ribs and pelvis, it will be difficult to achieve a "wasp waist". In such cases, plastic surgery comes to the rescue. We will tell you how to make your waist smaller with surgery and non-surgical methods.

What is important to know about teeth whitening?

A snow—white smile is a symbol not only of beauty, but also of health. One of the most effective ways to achieve a pearly smile is teeth whitening, which helps to change their color by several tones.

Sangapuri or correction of the eastern section of the eyes

The eyes are the accent part of the face, which attracts attention more than other features. This element of appearance also has a natural perfection and uniqueness comparable to the uniqueness of a fingerprint. But despite this, the European eye section is considered a reference. And to correct the Asian century, the sangapuri operation was developed. In the article we will tell you in detail about Asian blepharoplasty.

Stress-free menopause: how hormone therapy helps women

With age, women experience a natural decrease in reproductive function, known as menopause. This process takes a long time and is accompanied by changes in the physical and emotional state, hormonal restructuring and complete cessation of menstruation. On average, menopause (the so-called last menstruation in a woman's life) occurs at the age of 45-55 years, but its precursors may appear earlier, and the process of "restructuring" the body can last for several years. A decrease in the level of female sex hormones leads to unpleasant symptoms that not only worsen the quality of life, but can also contribute to the development of serious diseases. Although menopause is not a disease and does not require treatment, there are methods to improve well-being and prevent complications. One of these methods is menopausal hormone therapy (MGT). The decision on the need and time of MGT is made by a gynecologist. To understand whether such therapy is necessary for all women, it is important to understand the nature and characteristics of menopause.


Nocturnal bruxism is a repetitive involuntary clenching of the jaws, which is accompanied by sounds of teeth clicking or rubbing, and is uncontrollable when a person is asleep. Many people are perplexed: "Is it dangerous?"

Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis)

A face is a reflection of a person's personality. During communication, our eyes meet, and the different size of the eye slits, of course, attracts the attention of the conversation partner. Let's look at the causes that lead to drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis) and what needs to be done in this case.

How can I fix my hearing loss?

Patients have been thinking about the elimination of hearing loss since childhood. Many people come for otoplasty at an early age. This is due to the fact that during this period the ear cartilage is softer and easier to correct. And also because lop—eared is a feature that can make a child shy and influence his adaptation at school. Adult patients often combine surgery for hearing loss with other plastic surgery on the face. Ears can not only be "pinned", but also their shape can be changed, reduced in size or made more symmetrical. In the article, we will tell you more about the operation on the ears for hearing loss.

How can I choose the basic hygiene products for the oral cavity at home?

First of all, let's figure out what tools exist.

What cosmetic procedures will help you look perfect before the wedding?

Any girl wants to be the most beautiful on the day she becomes a wife. Cosmetologists come to the rescue with their huge arsenal of services. But which ones should I choose to get exactly the desired effect?

Dentistry at Olympus Clinics

A beautiful smile, self-confidence and proper functioning of the whole body depend on the health of the oral cavity. Neglect of hygiene and regular checkups at the dentist can lead to diseases that require long and expensive treatment. Therefore, you can always seek help from the dentists of Olympus Clinics. Our specialists work hard to ensure that every patient receives high-quality care and enjoys a healthy and beautiful smile.

Should I do an abdominoplasty?

A flat and prominent belly can be achieved by intensive training in the gym and giving up your favorite sweets. Or you can choose a faster way — to have a tummy tuck. However, the fastest way is not always the easiest. You need to be prepared for a long recovery and consider the risks of surgery. And to keep the result, you will have to maintain it with the help of sports and a healthy diet. In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of surgery, rehabilitation after abdominoplasty and answer popular questions.

Stuffiness and runny nose: how to breathe freely?

The way you breathe determines the quality of your life. A good sense of smell allows you to enjoy the aromas of food, perfumes and nature. The feeling of fullness of taste is not the only important function of the nose. The nose is an organ of the respiratory system that provides oxygen supply and the removal of carbon dioxide, which is necessary for the normal operation of all organs. Before air enters the lungs, it passes through the nose, where it is filtered, cleaned of microparticles of dust, warmed and moistened. In addition, nasal breathing affects the voice, giving it a unique timbre and sonority. In this article, we will tell you how to restore normal breathing and in which cases surgery on the nasal mucosa may be necessary.

How to remove the second chin?

A second chin, or double chin, is an aesthetic defect that can significantly change the appearance of a face. Excessive deposits of fat and folds appear in the area of the lower jaw and chin, the oval becomes less clear, the face looks fuller, which visually adds age.

The III All-Russian Progress Conference "Aesthetic Gynecology and Perineology: balance of beauty and functionality" was held in Moscow

The event lasted from 24 to 26 May, and the theme was Aesthetic gynecology and perineology: the balance of beauty and functionality.

A conference of cosmetologists was successfully held in Voronezh!

We shared our experience, learned a lot of new things and just had a nice time. Let's tell you more about it now!

How to get a snow-white smile

The palette of teeth shades is multifaceted. Natural teeth not only have a yellowish undertone, as is commonly believed, but can also have a grayish, brown or orange tint. However, the most desirable subtone of teeth is definitely light.

Bad breath

Many people face the problem of bad breath. There can be many reasons: from gastrointestinal diseases to accumulated plaque.

How to treat granuloma of the tooth?

A tooth granuloma is a pathological cavity filled with liquid or semi—liquid contents that forms in the tissues around the root of the tooth. Imagine a small pouch that forms in the gum or in the bone of the jaw near the root of the tooth. This "pouch" grows slowly, without causing severe pain, but in the future it can cause the destruction of bone tissue.

How to preserve beauty under stress?

The article also talks about procedures that help activate skin immunity, reduce inflammation and restore the skin barrier. Learn how to maintain the health and beauty of the skin, even when life imposes increased demands.

What should I do if the filler migrated after the injection?

In the material, you will learn about the most effective ways to help remove or dissolve the filler, avoiding the formation of dips on the skin.

Revolution in the world of beauty: OLIGIO thermal lifting at Olympus Clinic

In the article you will find information about the indications for the use of the device, as well as about the impressive effect that it promises.

To remove knives: what cosmetic procedures replace plastic surgery?

You can read about the wonders of anti-aging medicine in the material.

Secrets of Youth by Helena Christensen

Find out which services help to keep the skin supple and radiant, which treatments the supermodel prefers and how to properly take care of yourself to make the dream of eternal youth a reality.

Deodorants: from trends to treatment of hyperhidrosis

If you want to choose the right deodorant, in the article you will find out which parameters are worth relying on.

How does anesthesia work and what tests are needed before anesthesia?

Anesthesia is the process of reducing the sensitivity of the body or part of it until the complete cessation of perception of information about the environment and one's own condition. When the doctor says before surgery that you won't feel anything, be calm, it's true. You may be unconscious or awake. It depends on the type of anesthesia. Let's talk about the preparation before anesthesia: what can and cannot be done.

Why does plaque appear on the tongue?

You are about to brush your teeth, but you notice in the mirror that instead of pink, your tongue is now white. This is usually harmless, and the reason is a lack of oral hygiene. Don't panic. If you have started cleaning your tongue daily, but the plaque does not go away or becomes more pronounced, this is an excuse to talk to a doctor. In the article we will tell you what plaque means in the language.

How to treat periodontitis?

Periodontal is a complex of tissues that holds the tooth in the well. And periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that affects these tissues. Without treatment, it can lead to severe pain, loosening and loss of teeth. Let's talk about the forms and treatment of periodontitis.

Everything you wanted to know about Russian Botox

The world-famous brands of botulinum toxin and fillers left Russia, and the team of domestic injectable drugs came to the fore.

Fighting gravity: how to achieve a perfect oval face?

In the material "Oval Office" of the Forbes Beauty edition, the authors analyzed the features and effects of all methods of lifting the lower third of the face. They talked with doctors about injection and hardware cosmetology, and Ilya Alekseevich Almazov, plastic surgeon at Olympus Clinics, gave a comment on whether plastic surgery has competitors in terms of correcting age-related changes.

How do "beauty drippers" work?

Intravenous cocktails for beauty and health are now popular all over the world. Forbes Beauty magazine published an article in which doctors talked about this trend and what safety measures should be followed to get a "wow effect" from an IV.

Why do cosmetologists prescribe tests?

If a cosmetologist prescribes tests before the procedure or advises you to drink a course of vitamins, do not be afraid. You have a good specialist in front of you.

"Staying yourself is a win—win option"

The online magazine Forbes Beauty published an article "Individual Beauty" about the trend towards naturalness in aesthetic medicine. The comments for the material were given by the doctors of Olympus Clinics.

What to do with urinary incontinence after childbirth?

Find answers to your questions and feel more confident.

10 Non-obvious Facts about Vitamin D

Did you know that vitamin D not only strengthens the immune system, but also plays a key role in the health of your skin?

Rhinoplasty: why do people decide to have surgery?

In recent years, the trend towards naturalness has significantly influenced the perception of beauty, but how has this affected rhinoplasty in Russia? "The Symbol" discussed this issue with Dmitry Sergeevich Skvortsov, a plastic surgeon of the highest category of Olympus Clinic.

How to make the scar less noticeable after surgery?

Do you remember how as a child you tore off the crusts from wounds, and white or pinkish spots remained on your skin. A scar is part of the healing process. The incision that the surgeon creates during surgery passes through all layers of the skin. Therefore, a trace after plastic surgery cannot be avoided. But it is possible to minimize the appearance of scars. Let's talk about ways to remove scars after surgery.

Rejuvenation with thermal lifting at Olympus Clinic

In a recent publication on "Posta Magazine" you will learn about the procedure, which is an ideal choice for those who are looking for alternative methods of rejuvenation.

What is important for every woman to know about the cervix?

Everything you need to know about the cervix is now collected in one article on the website of the "Daughter-mother".

Why do Muscovites refuse alcohol?

The publication "TIMEOUT" has published an article on the trend of abstaining from alcohol among residents of the capital. Olga Vladimirovna Zabnenkova, Head of the Cosmetology department of Olympus Clinic, gave her comments on this topic.

HELEO4™ Rejuvenation Program at Olympus Clinic

If you are looking for ways to effectively take care of your skin, get to know the HELLO 4™ program in a new material.

Beauty standards and their impact on women

Olymp Clinic cosmetologist Irina Borisovna Lomaka told MarieClaire about how well-established canons of female beauty can affect self-esteem and the formation of complexes among women.

Why is it important to use care cosmetics strictly for their intended purpose?

In the latest material of the online publication MarieClaire, dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist at Olympus Clinic Irina Lomaka shares professional secrets about the difference between face and body creams.

Do I need to use SPF if you are not going on vacation?

If you are one of those who buys spf funds only when planning a vacation, this post is for you.

Wisdom Tooth: All about eights

Wisdom teeth, eights or third molars are large molars that erupt at the age of 17-25. What should I do if my wisdom tooth hurts? In the article we will tell you about the removal of wisdom teeth.

Simultaneous implantation. How to quickly restore a beautiful smile?

Simultaneous dental implantation is a procedure in which the implant is installed immediately after tooth extraction in one operation. The procedure is performed only when the bone tissue is in a healthy state. Now we will tell you how simultaneous implantation takes place and what are the contraindications to the procedure.

All about stomatitis

Pain in the mouth, which prevents eating, talking and even sleeping, is one of the main symptoms of stomatitis. It is difficult not to notice the disease. In addition to pain, small ulcers or erosions occur in the oral cavity, which can affect the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. In the article we will talk about the causes and treatment of stomatitis.

Pulpitis: signs and treatment

If you notice a nagging pain in one of your teeth when eating hot or cold food, you may be dealing with pulpitis. Pulpitis occurs when the pulp of a tooth, consisting of blood vessels and nerves, becomes inflamed. The disease does not go away on its own, as this is an irreversible process. In the article we will talk about the diagnosis and treatment of pulpitis.

Root canal treatment: how is the procedure going?

Endodontic treatment is aimed at eliminating damaged or infected pulp to preserve the tooth. The procedure allows you to save the tooth and avoid its removal. In the early stages of infection, you may not feel pain. How to identify something wrong? Let's talk about the signs of canal disease and the stages of endodontic treatment.

How to prepare psychologically for surgery?

You have an operation planned, and your thoughts are busy with how your reflection in the mirror will change. You are beaming with anticipation and sharing your emotions with your loved ones. But gradually, fear can creep up. What if the result is not what you wanted? Or will you wake up during the operation? How to deal with anxiety and keep your head cool? Let's tell you how to mentally prepare for the operation.

The most popular questions to the dentist

Are you afraid to ask questions to the dentist? The guys from the megamarket did it for you!


Let's look at the situations in which endoscopy alone or, conversely, only classical techniques will not be enough


Let's find out what is the peculiarity of the endoscopic technique

Endoscopic correction as a secondary operation

In this article, we will find out why patients who have already been operated on often come for endoscopy.

Gluteoplasty or how to enlarge the buttocks

Elastic buttocks are the goal of many people who start working out at the gym. But the anatomical features of the body do not always allow you to achieve an ideal result. And not everyone loves sports. This is where plastic surgery comes to the rescue, namely, gluteoplasty. Let's tell you all about buttock correction.

A trend that came from social networks

Recently, social networks have been setting trends for transformations, and a new trend — the creation of dimples on cheeks, or dimplectomy — is no exception.

Sinus lifting — what is it?

Sinus lifting is an operation that is performed before the placement of implants in the upper jaw. It involves placing a bone graft between the upper jaw and the sinus membrane. After sinus lifting, the transplanted tissue fuses with the jaw, which makes it easy to install the implant. Let's talk about the indications for sinus lifting.

Are facial wrinkles about aging?

Facial wrinkles on the face occur due to active facial movements. When you smile a lot, frown, raise your eyebrows in surprise. At the same time, facial lines are not associated with the natural aging process. They may appear at a young age. In the article we will tell you about the correction of facial wrinkles.

Why does a tooth hurt?

Acute and sudden or aching and persistent, toothache is difficult to ignore. Infection, caries, or injury are common causes of discomfort. What should I do if my tooth hurts? Let's tell you how to act in the moment and delve into the causes of toothache.

Cheiloplasty: perfect lips for life

Lip contouring is one of the most popular procedures. But not everyone has heard about lip surgery, the results of which are permanent. You can permanently eliminate the asymmetry, increase or decrease the volume. Let's tell you what types of lip plasty there are.

Is bleeding gums a sign of health problems?

Are your gums bleeding? The reason may be harmless, for example, incorrect tooth brushing technique. Or it may be related to a health condition that should be checked. We will tell you in detail about the causes and treatment of bleeding gums.

Facial rejuvenation. What are the cosmetic procedures?

We cannot stop aging, but cosmetology makes it possible to prolong the charm of youth. Proper nutrition, sports, sun protection in combination with treatments can enhance the anti-age effect. Do not worry about the first age-related changes, an integrated approach to beauty care will help you feel confident at any age. We will tell you how to achieve skin rejuvenation: from laser treatments to chemical peeling and injections.

Are the gums bleeding — is it gingivitis?

When we think about a smile, we pay attention to the condition of the teeth. But what about the gums? Insufficient oral hygiene can lead to the development of gingival tissue disease. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. If it is not eliminated, it can develop into periodontitis. Let's talk about the symptoms and treatment of gingivitis.

How to correct distal occlusion?

Occlusion is the closing of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw. In case of distal occlusion, the patient's lower jaw has a posterior position. Will braces help with distal bite? Let's talk about the diagnosis and treatment of distal occlusion.

Tartar — what is it and why should it be removed?

These are hard dental deposits that are formed as a result of mineralization of soft plaque. Tartar increases the risk of developing caries. It also affects the appearance of a smile and can cause bad breath, bleeding gums. In the article we will tell you about the symptoms and methods of tartar removal.

Septoplasty and rhinoplasty: what is the difference?

There are two main categories of nose surgery: rhinoplasty and septoplasty. The first is aimed at the appearance of the nose, and the second is aimed at eliminating internal anomalies. If you have aesthetic or functional problems with your nose, understanding how rhinoplasty differs from septoplasty will allow you to choose the appropriate correction option.

Reconstruction of the nose. All about the operation

Reconstructive rhinoplasty is an operation to correct congenital or acquired defects, as well as to restore the nose after unsuccessful plastic surgery. If you have undergone rhinoplasty and you have problems with breathing or the shape of your nose, this is a reason to turn to reconstructive rhinoplasty. In the article we will tell you how the nose reconstruction operation goes.

Rhinoplasty: which surgery can be combined with?

The nose is one of the most prominent features, and its central location on the face instinctively attracts the gaze of other people. Therefore, due to the imperfections of the nose, many patients feel uncomfortable. Rhinoplasty allows you to achieve a perfect contour of the nose, but correction of only one part of the face can create an asymmetrical appearance. Let's talk about the combination of rhinoplasty with other operations.

Secondary rhinoplasty: how do I fix my nose after surgery?

Secondary or revision rhinoplasty is a delicate and complex operation, as the surgeon works with the delicate structures of the nose that have been damaged. There are two tasks at once: to restore normal breathing and the aesthetic shape of the nose. An additional task is to help the patient feel calm before the second surgical intervention. In the article we will tell you what mistakes a surgeon can correct after an unsuccessful operation.

I want to change the shape of my eyes — what should I do?

The first signs of aging appear on the skin of the face, including in the area around the eyes. Even young patients may look older because of wrinkles, drooping eyelids or dark circles. But aging is not always the cause of patients' anxiety. Not everyone likes their natural eye shape. Is it possible to make the eyes bigger? Let's talk about the types of eye surgery.

How to identify and correct malocclusion?

Malocclusion is an incorrect ratio between the upper and lower jaws. It is a common pathology that cannot always be identified independently. Problems with biting may not affect the beauty of a smile, but lead to chewing dysfunction. In the article we will tell you about the symptoms and treatment of malocclusion.

How is the seal installed?

Dental fillings are a frequently performed procedure in the dentist's office. The installation of the seal usually takes up to 30 minutes, the patient does not feel pain. But many patients are still afraid of this manipulation. To make you feel confident before the procedure, we will tell you step by step how to put a seal.

All about self-ligating braces

A self-ligating bracket system is a variant of an orthodontic design with fewer metal elements — without ligatures. Ligatures are the elements that fix the arc in braces. The advantage of self-ligating braces is that the arc is fixed with miniature locks. A modern and more aesthetic view of the orthodontic system without unnecessary details. In the article we will talk about the types of self-ligating braces and the difference from the traditional system.

Deep bite: braces or mouth guards?

With a deep bite, the upper dentition significantly overlaps the lower one. Sometimes pathology affects the shape of the face, it may look rounder. Hearing problems, headaches, disorders of the temporomandibular joint can also be the consequences of an orthodontic disorder. In the article we will talk about the degree and correction of deep bite.

Breast ptosis: is it possible to restore youth to the body?

The appearance of the figure transforms over time. It is ok. We cannot stop this process, but we can help ourselves not to lose confidence. Sagging breasts are no reason to love yourself less. Let's tell you why your breasts are sagging and how to tighten them.

How to get rid of the belly quickly?

The bulging bottom of the abdominal cavity is not always about fat. After the age of 40, women and men may have unevenly distributed adipose tissue and concentrate in the waist area. The possible reason is hormones. How to remove the belly at the bottom when training does not bring results? Let's talk about miniabdominoplasty and recovery after abdominal surgery.

The whole truth about braces

Now braces are a trend that improves the smile and complements the image. In the article we will tell you why you should think about installing a bracket system.

Braces care

How to make oral hygiene with braces a pleasant ritual? Let's tell you what should be in the cosmetic bag of a brace carrier

Fear of going to a cosmetologist

What are patients afraid of in the cosmetologist's office? Let's talk about fears and ways to overcome them

Endoscopic correction and young patients.

Let's find out why endoscopic plastic surgery may be necessary at a young age.

Факты об эндоскопической коррекции

Is the endoscopic technique a unique technique? Let's turn to the facts and draw conclusions.

What types of rhinoplasty are there?

A curved septum, post-traumatic deformity or pronounced hump are the requests that patients come to rhinoplasty with. But rhinoplasty combines different methods of nose surgery. How to choose? We will tell you in detail when it is worth doing rhinoplasty and what types there are.

Injections for the face: about popular procedures in cosmetology

Non-surgical plastic surgery is now developing powerfully and has long formed a great loyalty of patients. Not everyone has time for a long recovery after surgery, and some are afraid of the large invasiveness of the surgical method. For an instant effect without a long recovery period, facial beauty injections are a good option. We will tell you about hyaluronic injections for the face, application areas and other procedures for beatification.

I want to have plastic surgery. How to decide?

The thought of changes in appearance can be inspiring and frightening at the same time. "What if I don't like the result?" is a frequent fear that does not allow me to decide on plastic surgery. There are advantages to this fear: you analyze your desire more carefully, study a lot of information, and become more responsible. We want to help you better understand this issue, so we will tell you how to prepare for surgery.

Types of breast implants: how to choose

Breast implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, and they can be installed using various surgical methods. Each person's anatomy is unique, so there is no ideal option that would suit everyone. To choose an implant, the doctor takes into account the physique, lifestyle and desired outcome of the patient. To speak the same language with a plastic surgeon, we will tell you in detail about the types of breast implants.

The perfect figure or why you need lipomodeling

When proper nutrition and sports do not lead to the desired result, plastic surgery comes to the rescue. Namely, body sculpting. Lipomodeling allows you to achieve harmonious body proportions in one operation: a seductive breast contour, a thin waist, abs and rounded hips. This type of plastic surgery makes it possible to give up grueling workouts in the gym and strict diets. In the article we will tell you what liposculpture is and who it will suit.

Rhinoplasty: when should I have surgery?

Nose job is not just about aesthetics. Displacement or curvature of the nasal septum, respiratory disorders are part of the problems that can be solved by functional correction of the nose. In the article we will talk about the types of rhinoplasty and what can be obtained after surgery.

How to get rid of post-acne on the face?

Up to 90% of people face rashes, so spots on the face are a common problem. The spots often go away on their own, but sometimes they remain on the skin in the form of post-acne marks. These marks differ in color from the surrounding skin, and can remain for months or even years after the initial rashes disappear. In the article we will tell you how to remove the post-acne.

Facelift methods: which one should I choose?

Rejuvenation is the most popular goal of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, as collagen production slows down or stops altogether. Changing your appearance with age is natural and normal, but it can affect the perception of your beauty. Is it possible to deceive nature? In the article we will talk about surgical and non-surgical facelift.

Ptosis of the face. How to fight?

Facial muscle drooping is a natural process that occurs as you age. Age-related changes are inevitable and everyone faces them, but their severity depends on anatomical features and genetics. How to deceive nature and preserve youth? In the article we will talk about the degree of facial drooping and how to remove gravitational ptosis.

Face beatification

Let's find out what facial beatification is and whether it is possible to equate cosmetology and surgery.

Combination of operations: endoscopy in combination with other techniques

One anesthesia and a total upgrade. This article is for those who are interested in possible combinations of endoscopic corrections with other operations on the face and body.

Is it worth doing teeth whitening?

A snow-white smile gives confidence and gathers enthusiastic glances. Before teeth whitening, patients have many questions. Does it harm your teeth? Is one procedure enough for a noticeable result? In the article we will tell you about the popular teeth whitening Zoom WhiteSpeed and whether it is safe.

Eyelid surgery. All about the operation

Blepharoplasty is an operation that allows you to change the appearance of the upper, lower eyelids or both. In addition to the cosmetic effect, an eyelid lift can improve vision shaded by drooping eyelids. As a result, an open look, tightened skin around the eyes, and the face looks 10 years younger. In the article we will tell you in detail about the types of blepharoplasty, indications and contraindications.

ENDOSCOPY. advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an endoscopic lift worth considering? Will the technique work for me? In this article, we will learn more about endoscopic correction and weigh the pros and cons.

Preparation before installing braces

What procedures should be performed before installing braces in order for the treatment to be effective? Preparation for orthodontic treatment on a bracket system consists of several stages. In order to eliminate all complications after treatment, and the bite and teeth were in order, it is necessary to cure all orthodontic problems in advance. In the article we will tell you in detail what needs to be done before braces.

Eyelids and endoscopy

How to remove the flabbiness of the eyelids? How do I tighten my eyelids? Which "eyelid lift" should I choose?

Erosion of the cervix. All about the disease

Cervical erosion is a condition in which the cells covering the inside of the cervix are damaged. This occurs due to hormonal disorders, injuries, and inflammation. 15% of women face this condition. In the article we will tell you about the symptoms of cervical erosion and how to treat the disorder.

How to remove cheeks and make an oval

Cheeks can soften the appearance, give the face a more youthful appearance, and be a cute feature. They are not always associated with excess volume; chubby cheeks can be inherited. Not everyone likes cheeks. Many would prefer to replace them with chiseled cheekbones, which will better harmonize with other facial features. We'll tell you how to make your cheeks smaller and make your face look thinner.

Moles on the body: when should I pay attention?

In most cases, a mole is a harmless neoplasm. Moles are a common occurrence in people with fair skin, blue or green eyes. It can be an aesthetic addition to the appearance. When a mole hurts and changes color, laser removal can relieve physical and visual discomfort. In the article we will talk about "good moles", and which ones are dangerous to health.

What are the dangers of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal has become an alternative to shaving with a classic machine and waxing. Radiant and smooth skin is what you can get after the procedure. But is there a danger of laser hair removal? In the article we will talk about contraindications to laser hair removal and dispel myths about the procedure.

Skin and endoscopic corrections

What happens to the "extra" skin and what effect does it have on the skin as a whole? In this article, we will look at how the skin is tightened during endoscopic operations.

Age and endoscopy

Are there any age restrictions for an endoscopic facelift? How old should I be so that I can safely make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and decide on an endoscopic lift?

Plasma therapy or eternal youth

Plasmolifting, or PRP-lifting, is rejuvenation with the patient's own plasma. The introduction of blood plasma into the skin allows you to maintain a radiant and healthy complexion, restore an elastic, smooth epidermis, smooth out fine wrinkles. This is a safe way to prolong youth for those patients who have a tendency to allergies, since natural materials are used. We will tell you in detail how PRP therapy is carried out and who is suitable for blood plasma treatment.

How to prepare for pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing and happy stage in life, but it is also a great test for a woman's body. In order for the period before pregnancy to pass comfortably, and you feel confident, you need to be attentive to the signals of your body and psyche. We want to help you along this path and tell you in detail what to do before pregnancy.

How to normalize the skin after losing weight

Sudden weight loss or a diet with a lack of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can affect the appearance of the epidermis. Sagging skin after weight loss is the result of an incorrect diet. How to observe the harmony of forms and maintain the elasticity of the skin? In the article we will tell you how to tighten the skin after losing weight and achieve a perfect figure without harm to health.

How to take care of your skin in winter

The skin is a sensitive organ of our body, it reacts sensitively to the environment. The skin cracks, looks rough and flakes off in winter from dry heating air, severe frosts. A change in the weather is not only an excuse to insulate the wardrobe, but also the need to take care of the health of the epidermis. In the article we will tell you about skin care in winter.

Necrosis of teeth: how to preserve the white color of enamel?

Spots on enamel can occur in coffee, tea, red wine lovers, or even because of genetics. Often they only distort the beauty of a smile, but do not threaten health. Changes in the color of the enamel due to caries can lead to necrosis of the tooth tissues. How to maintain a healthy dentition?

Before plastic surgery: how to prepare for surgery

When an operation is planned, questions often arise: "How to prepare for anesthesia?" or "What tests do I need to pass before plastic surgery?". Don't worry. Even at the consultation stage, the surgeons of Olympus Clinics will give a detailed plan of action and dispel all your fears. To help you better navigate this issue, we will tell you what can and cannot be done before plastic surgery.

Autumn Beauty Day with Ilya Sharov

On October 29, a public talk was held at the DEPO, organized by our plastic surgeon Ilya Andreevich Sharov.

Maximum effect and beauty in the details. Combination of rhinoplasty and cosmetology

The modern pace of life does not give time for rest. Trends dictate that we need to work hard and fast, get sick a little, try to find time for personal life and have time to take care of our beauty. There are a variety of ways that help prevent burnout and maintain mental health. But what about the desire to remain attractive?

How young is the endoscopic technique?

What is endoscopy? Endoscopic techniques have long proven themselves in various medical fields. In traumatology, arthroscopy is successfully performed, ENT doctors enter the sinuses with the help of a video system, "endoscopists" perform examinations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Endoscopic facelift. All about the operation

Face lifting allows you to regain youth, emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, make the cheekbones sharper. After facelifting, patients no longer worry about their age and feel confident. Plastic surgery can be a source of self-love. In the article we will tell you in detail about endoscopic lifting and about rehabilitation after a facelift.

Alopecia: can it be cured?

Alopecia is a condition that causes hair loss. Alopecia can occur anywhere on your body, but most people lose hair on their head. This condition can manifest as partial or complete hair loss, cause not only pressure on self-esteem, but also signal health problems. Let's talk about the types and causes of alopecia and the most common myth.

How to repair a broken tooth?

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but its strength has limits. A fall or a blow to the face, especially if the tooth already has caries, can lead to chipping or breakage. If you notice a tooth fracture, don't panic. We will tell you about the treatment of a broken tooth.

Endoscopic lifting or SMAS lifting – what to choose?

Facial rejuvenation is an extremely clear goal, but only at first glance. What method should I choose? Which would be better? How not to make a mistake? In this article, we will help you understand the basic concepts regarding the two main surgical techniques – SMAS lifting and endoscopic facial corrections.

How to remove scars on the skin

Cosmetics can hide imperfections, make inflammation or age spots invisible. Scars on the skin complicate this task, since makeup will not make the relief smooth. Here you need to take care of the restoration of the skin. In the article we will tell you about the correction of scars and how to get rid of scars after surgery.

Hormonal changes. How to manage symptoms?

Do you feel sad, get wound up quickly or often want to cry? Don't worry, these may be temporary fluctuations in your hormones. Changes in hormones are a physiological process that can be related to menstrual cycles, stress, pregnancy, puberty, and more. Hormones are important for regulating many different body processes, including appetite and metabolism, sleep, reproductive cycles, sexual function, body temperature, and mood. Not surprisingly, the slightest imbalance can have a noticeable impact on your overall health and sense of self. Now let's tell you what the symptoms of imbalance can be, how to control them, and how hormones and skin are related.

Stretch marks on the skin: why do they appear and is it possible to get rid of them

Striae are scars that occur due to stretching or tearing of elastic fibers located in the dermis (the middle layer of the skin). More often they develop in adolescence during growth and on the abdomen of pregnant women. White or bright red stripes can be perceived as a cosmetic defect, cause psychological discomfort. In the article we will tell you how to remove stretch marks and talk about the causes of striae on the skin.



Why do age spots occur and how to get rid of them

Pigmentation on the skin is small spots of dark color. The main causes of age spots are exposure to sunlight, aging, hormonal changes. Our skin contains melanin, which gives it color. When there are disturbances in the production of melanin, areas of the epidermis may begin to differ in color from the surrounding skin. This is not a dangerous process, but an uneven shade of the face can affect the perception of your appearance, and hiding imperfections under makeup can turn into a tedious routine. In the article we will talk about the removal of pigment spots, talk in detail about the causes of pigmentation and how to eliminate them.

Labioplasty. Whim or concern for health?

Labioplasty is a correction of the labia. Patients perform it with aesthetic imperfections or functional problems in the intimate area. A simple labioplasty operation can be of great importance. Intimate plastic surgery allows women to do their usual things without feeling uncomfortable and increase self-confidence. In the article we will tell you when to do intimate plastic surgery and how rehabilitation after labioplasty takes place.

How often should you visit a gynecologist and get tested?

Many diseases and inflammatory processes are asymptomatic, so a preventive examination by a gynecologist is an important practice in the life of every woman. Together with specialists from the Olympus Clinic, we have compiled a checklist of what you need to check regularly to stay healthy.

Is papilloma dangerous on the body?

The papilloma virus can infect the skin and mucous membranes. Papillomas on the body can be transmitted through sexual contact with an infected partner, but there are other ways to transmit the virus. It can be in the form of warts on the skin or on the genitals. In the article we will tell you about the removal of papillomas and how dangerous the virus is.

Eczema: all about the skin ailment

Eczema is a chronic skin disease that causes itching, rash, dry spots, peeling. This is a common name for a whole group of skin conditions. A common form of eczema is atopic dermatitis, which is common in children and can persist throughout life. In this article we will talk about the treatment of eczema and why it occurs.

Intimate contouring. Aesthetics and health

Many people think that labia correction corrects only aesthetic imperfections. This is not true. Plastic surgery of the labia can help physically feel better: get rid of discomfort, eliminate dryness, itching, correct anatomical disorders of the structure. We will tell you what types of intimate plastic surgery there are and what problems this field of medicine solves.

How to remove nasolabial folds?

Nasolabial folds are a natural part of facial anatomy. Everyone has them and with age they can become more pronounced due to decreased collagen and elastin production in the body. They can also become more visible due to UV exposure and active facial expressions. Mimic lines can give the face more expressiveness and become an individual chip. For example, Cameron Diaz has them because of and it is her feature, part of her beauty. But many people perceive nasolabial lines as a defect of appearance and it can become a big complex. In the article we will talk about correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid, other injections, as well as exercises that you can do at home.

Dermatitis: all about the skin disease

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs with allergies, infection. It can also be a reaction to external irritants. Rashes on the skin, itching, flaking cause severe physical and psychological discomfort. This skin ailment is not always treatable, but the symptoms of dermatitis can be controlled. In the article we will tell about the types of dermatitis, its causes and treatment.

Nipple correction

Nippleplasty aims to change the size, shape, or position of the areolas to create a harmonious appearance of the breasts. Patients come to the surgery with a variety of requests, including correction of retracted nipples, asymmetry, nipple enlargement, or reduction of nipples that are too protruding. Plastic surgery can be performed alone or in conjunction with other types of surgery like mammoplasty. In the article we will tell you in detail about the operation to correct the nipples, what results to expect and with what types of plastic surgery can be combined.

Why do warts occur

A wart is a small growth on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Are warts dangerous? They can appear on different parts of the body and are usually harmless, but they can cause discomfort. In this case, they need to be treated. We will tell you about the removal of warts and the causes of their development.

What are comedones: signs, causes, treatment

Comedones are a common sign of oily and combination skin types. Black dots - one of the forms of their manifestation, with which everyone has faced. In this article we will tell about the removal of comedones, their types and why this type of rashes occurs.

Breasts after lactation. How to regain the former shape?

After childbirth and breastfeeding, the contours of the body can change dramatically, losing elasticity and firmness. The skin may also become less elastic, hence the appearance of stretch marks. This can affect self-perception and physical comfort. Plastic surgery now offers many solutions that can help restore breasts after lactation and childbirth have stopped. To make it easier for you to choose a method of correction, we will tell you about mammoplasty, its types and to whom it may be suitable.

Insomnia. How to establish a relationship with sleep?

Sleep disorders are when you can't fall asleep even if you want to, or can't sleep long enough. Many people experience short-term (acute) insomnia that lasts for a few days or weeks (but less than 3 months). It is usually the result of stress or a traumatic event. Chronic insomnia lasts at least three nights a week for three months or more. The causes in this case are more profound. Now we will tell you why insomnia occurs and how to treat the sleep disorder.

Anesthesiology Olymp Clinic: anesthesia in Moscow

On the correct choice of anesthesia method depends not only on the successful outcome of the operation, but also the patient's well-being after the manipulation. That is why Olympus Clinic uses an individual approach to the choice of anesthetic aid, taking into account the peculiarities of each patient.

Tooth extraction: how to prevent complications

Tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure, but for many people, it sounds scary. We want to dispel your fears and concerns. In this article we will tell you what are the indications for the procedure, how wisdom tooth extraction goes, how to relieve pain, swelling after dental surgery.

Fillers: The Power of Natural Rejuvenation

Fillers are gel-like preparations developed for skin rejuvenation. The name comes from the English verb "fill", which translates as "to fill" or "to fill". They realize this function by adding volume and support to the skin at the site of injection. The main active ingredient of fillers is hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in human skin and is responsible for moisture retention, giving elasticity. Hyaluronic acid-based products are well accepted by the body, providing natural and long-lasting results.

How to regain your figure after childbirth

The recovery period after childbirth can last several weeks or months, and the most important thing during this period is physiological recovery. The uterus begins to shrink back to its normal size, and the endometrium, which was removed during childbirth, is being restored. Hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone return to normal, which can affect the emotional state of the woman.

Ovarian cyst: what it is and how to treat it

These benign masses often disappear on their own without treatment, but in some cases the help of a surgeon is needed. The disease can be asymptomatic, but it is important to know the signs of ovarian cysts to avoid complications. We will tell you how to treat an ovarian cyst, why it occurs and how to recognize it.

Myoma of the uterus: methods of treatment and ways to correct the course of the disease

Uterine myoma, otherwise "fibroid", "leiomyoma" is a benign neoplasm of the myometrium, which may appear in women at the age of 25-50 years. It is one of the most common pathological conditions of the female reproductive system. The main cause of the disease is considered a hormonal failure, when estrogens prevail over progesterone. Fibroid may be single or multiple, ranging in size from small nodules to large tumors that can change the shape of the uterus.

Removing excess weight with plastic surgery

How to lose excess weight? The question most people would answer is: eat less and exercise more. But people do not take into account factors like genetics, hormonal changes or unwillingness to exhaust themselves with workouts (which do not guarantee the desired result). In this article, we will talk about liposuction and other types of surgeries, and who they are suitable for.

Fungal infections in gynecology

Candidiasis is a common fungal disease that few people like to talk about. 75% of women have experienced a vaginal infection at least once in their lives. How does candidiasis in women arise? In the article we will tell about the symptoms of fungus in gynecology, its types and how to treat candidiasis.

Restore youth: procedures and methods of fighting age-related changes

As we age, our skin begins to undergo the inevitable changes associated with the aging process. The synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for firmness and tone, decreases. Their natural reduction causes wrinkles, loss of volume and contour definition.

How to make beautiful buttocks?

Refined body curves and tight buttocks are a powerful motivation to start improving your figure. There is a lot of information on how to improve the shape of buttocks, so we decided to collect effective methods and put them on the shelves in one article.

Infertility: main causes and treatment methods

Infertility is a medical diagnosis that is made when a sexually active couple fails to conceive for a year without using contraception. This causes serious emotional and psychological stress for the couple and can affect their relationship, self-esteem and quality of life. In many cases, this problem is successfully solved. Modern medicine offers a variety of methods of diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Individual approach, modern equipment and qualified gynecologists at Olymp Clinic increase the probability of conception and help many couples realize their dream of having a family.

Ear lobes, asymmetry and other auricular defects

Congenital abnormalities of the auricles are not so common - about one child in ten thousand. In some cases, the defect only affects the appearance of the ears, while in others it seriously affects the auditory function. The auricle, middle ear and inner ear are formed at different stages of fetal development. Because of this, a child may have an external pathology when the auditory organs are completely healthy. However, in the case of severe external deformities, hearing may be impaired. Hearing problems at an early age seriously affect the child's speech development and need to be corrected. The aesthetic function of the auricles should also not be underestimated. A serious deformity can affect a child's self-esteem and psychological health. At Olymp Clinic, our doctors perform otoplasty, a special plastic surgery that corrects defects of the auricles.

Periodontitis: signs, symptoms and treatment methods

Taking care of your oral health is not just about taking care of your teeth, but also what surrounds them. The gums and other tissues that hold and nourish your teeth also need to be cared for and protected. They are just as susceptible to dangerous diseases as your teeth. No matter how healthy and beautiful your smile is, you can't have a smile without healthy gums. One of the most unpleasant diseases of oral tissues is periodontitis. It affects the gums and bones of the jaw, including the alveolar process that holds the teeth in place. To fight periodontitis in its later stages will require a lot of medications and procedures. Of course, it is better not to get to that point and engage in prevention of the disease. The first step in any business is knowledge. We at Olymp Clinic have decided to tell you all about periodontitis - its treatment and prevention.

How to get rid of cellulite? Home struggle and cosmetic procedures

More than 80% of women have cellulite on legs, thighs, buttocks. It is normal and natural, but google queries "How to remove cellulite?" and "What are the remedies for cellulite?" remain popular. If it bothers you, there are many options to make it less noticeable. In this article we will tell you what there are remedies against cellulite, the causes of cellulite, the stages of cellulite, we will dive into the topic in detail, so that it ceases to be a nagging problem.

Plastic surgery in Moscow: Olymp Clinic operating rooms

When performing any surgery, it is important to think through every step - from preparation and choice of anesthesia method to rehabilitation and discharge from the hospital. Olymp Clinic has everything to perform surgical interventions at the most comfortable and safe level.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgeries

Proper recovery after plastic surgery and compliance with the surgeon's recommendations is the key to a successful and desired result. Comfortable and high-quality rehabilitation requires a responsible approach. We tell you how we provide it for our patients.

Lipofilling of buttocks in Moscow: cost, indications and process

If you have ever thought about enlarging your buttocks, our article is for you. You will learn how to change the shape and volume with lipofilling, to achieve beautiful buttocks without traces of intervention and at the same time improve the quality of the skin.

Skin pigmentation: types, causes, methods of control and prevention

The article tells what skin pigmentation is, why it occurs, what are the ways to combat uneven skin color. We collected advice from cosmetic dermatologists and explained how Olymp Clinic in Moscow can help in the fight against pigmentation.

What is endometriosis? About symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In the article about what is endometriosis, collected for you information about the origin of the disease, its types, methods of correction and the process of course, as well as how to treat endometriosis in Olymp Clinic in Moscow.