Specializes in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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Ask a doctorAn MRI specialist with 10 years of experience
Performs diagnostics of the brain, cerebral vessels, cranial nerves, paranasal sinuses, all parts of the spine, joints, as well as organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis.
Specialist Activities
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
A diagnostic method that is used to visualize internal organs, tissues, and body systems. The procedure allows you to obtain detailed images of organs without the use of X-rays.
Computed tomography (CT)
A diagnostic method based on obtaining layered images of the studied area using X-ray radiation. It allows you to get detailed images of internal organs, bones and soft tissues.
Doctors in this area
Select clinics
- Olympus Clinic Sadovaya
- Олимп Клиник Огни
- Multi-field health center
AndreyA. Uchevatkin
Candidate of Medical Sciences. A radiologist. Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics.
How to reach
st. Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya, 7/1
Mon-Sun 9:00-21:00
+7 800 500-07-02
From the metro station "Tsvetnoy Bulvar"
1 exit to the city, then left to the Garden Ring, at the crossing to the right, crossing the boulevard, one more crossing and at the traffic light to the left. The Olymp Clinic building is located overlooking the Garden Ring to the right of the crossing. Travel time is approximately 9 minutes. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic
From the metro station "Sukharevskaya"
Exit 3 from the metro and 640 meters straight ahead, the clinic will be on the right. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic