Ekaterina Alekseevna

A plastic surgeon, a general surgeon.

from 18 years
Dushevskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna
Ekaterina Alekseevna specializes in the harmonization of appearance. Performs rejuvenating and beautifying facial surgeries.
The doctor's work experience since 2015

The doctor's work experience since 2015

"In my hands, the possibilities of injectable cosmetology and surgical treatment are combined into a single alliance to achieve the best result."

A doctor who does not stop there and conquers new heights

A doctor who does not stop there and conquers new heights

Ekaterina Dushevskaya is a regular participant in Russian and foreign conferences and master classes.

Results of our work

Plastic Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery

Temporal Lift

Plastic Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery

Temporal Lift

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery

Temporal Lift

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery

Temporal Lift

Plastic Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty

Plastic Surgery

Temporal Lift

Plastic Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty

Education and qualifications

Higher education
Professional development
work experience


Basic education in the specialty "Medical business"

Irkutsk State Medical University


Interregional thematic conference on Emergency surgery with a master class (ROH). "surgical treatment of obesity"


Intern of the surgical department

CHUZ Road Clinical Hospital


Internship in the specialty "Surgery"

Chita State Medical Academy


Conference "Provision of qualified medical care in case of thermal injury"


Cosmetology conference "Combined use of chemical peels with the technique of injectable bio-reinforcement, lip contouring, mesotherapy and biorevitalization"

Patients reviews

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Comment from the producers
Jul 23, 2022

Hello, I have been watching doctors for many years, reading reviews, dreaming of blepharoplasty, one evening I just wrote about my desire. The doctor immediately responded, asked for photos and data. Not believing it, she threw it off and was immediately invited to the operation. The next day, I already left for Chita by train from Ulan-Ude. In the morning, I was already in the hospital, underwent all the necessary procedures, and prepared for surgery. And now I'm looking at the world with different eyes!

Comment from the producers
Apr 13, 2022

I had a breast lift operation with Ekaterina Alekseevna, everything went just fine! She had a consultation, gave all the recommendations, and a week later returned to her old life. The result is stunning! Many thanks for the professionalism and competent approach to your business! A wonderful man and a Doctor with a capital letter! I have not met such doctors yet, they are very attentive, polite and responsive! Just well done! Health and prosperity to you :)

Comment from the producers
Mar 27, 2022

My dream has finally come true, blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids! And a wonderful doctor, Ekaterina Alekseevna Dushevskaya, realized my dream! [...]! Ekaterina Alekseevna was advised by a friend, without hesitation and without hesitation, I signed up for a consultation, discussed everything, chose the date of the operation. Everything was easy and comfortable. If you have any questions, he will never ignore them, explains everything in an accessible way. I am immensely happy and grateful to Ekaterina Alekseevna for her work! The final result will be after a full recovery, but I already really like my eyes.

Specialist Activities


Bullhorn lip lift is a correction of the shape of the upper lip by removal of the skin under the nose. The surgery is minimally traumatic and is performed under local anaesthesia. As a result, the upper lip is lifted and looks more plump.

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Buccal fat removal

Buccal fat refers to encapsulated fat deposits in the cheek area. These fat deposits make the face look round. The plastic surgeon will remove buccal fat with no general anesthesia and minimal trauma to make the facial outline look visually more elegant.

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Chin liposuction

Chin liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fatty tissue in the chin area through small punctures.

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Facial lipofilling

Facial lipofilling at Olymp Clinic in Moscow can help emphasise cheekbones, add volume to your lips or change facial contours by injecting your own fatty tissue.

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Endoscopic upper third face suspension

Endoscopic upper third face suspension is a surgery involving the use of an endoscope to lift and maintain the upper third to rejuvenate and improve facial contours.

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Abdominoplasty is an abdominal correction surgery performed in Moscow. It helps create an athletic shape, remove fat and loose skin, correct or change the shape of the navel, restore the shape of the abdomen after childbirth and remove muscle diastasis.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
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Agapov Denis Genrikhovich
Plastic Surgery

Experience: 29 years

AgapovDenis Genrikhovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. A plastic surgeon. The chief physician of Olympus Clinics, Associate professor of the Department of Plastic Surgery at St. Petersburg State Medical University. Specializes in rhinoplasty, rhinoseptoplasty, aesthetic facial surgery and body contouring.

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Almazov Ilya Alekseevich
Plastic Surgery

Experience: 11 years

AlmazovIlya Alekseevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Plastic surgeon.

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Andryushchenko Olesya Anatolievna
Plastic Surgery

Experience: 23 years

AndryushchenkoOlesya Anatolievna

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Plastic surgeon.

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Dushevskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna
Plastic Surgery

Experience: 9 years

DushevskayaEkaterina Alekseevna

A plastic surgeon, a general surgeon.

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Zhumanov Andrey Rudolfovich
Plastic Surgery

Experience: 24 years

ZhumanovAndrey Rudolfovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. A surgeon

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How to reach

7/1 Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya str., 129090, Moscow
Operating mode
Mon-Sun 09:00-21:00
+7 495 181-02-98
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Other ways of communication
From the metro station "Tsvetnoy Bulvar"

1 exit to the city, then left to the Garden Ring, at the crossing to the right, crossing the boulevard, one more crossing and at the traffic light to the left. The Olymp Clinic building is located overlooking the Garden Ring to the right of the crossing. Travel time is approximately 9 minutes. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic

From the metro station "Sukharevskaya"

Exit 3 from the metro and 640 meters straight ahead, the clinic will be on the right. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic

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Dushevskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna


Plastic Surgery
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