
Candidate of Medical Sciences. The doctor is a surgeon.

Kosachenko Mikhail
He is a full member of the Russian Society of Surgeons, the Russian Society of Endoscopic Surgeons, EAES, EARCS, SRS. He is the author of 19 scientific publications.
The doctor knows all the methods of hernia treatment

The doctor knows all the methods of hernia treatment

Mikhail Vladimirovich specializes in minimally invasive (laparoscopic) operations. The doctor performs surgical treatment of obesity, metabolic disorders, and intestinal diseases. Treats patients with oncological diseases.

Education and qualifications

Higher education
Professional development
Diplomas and certificates
Scientific activity


Basic education in the specialty "Medical business"

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University


Postgraduate specialization "Surgery"



Clinical Immersion по лапароскопической колоректальной хирургии (Jessa Clinic., Hasselt. Belgium)


I World Congress of Gerontologists (Milan. Italy)


International Course on Anatomy in Colorectal Surgery and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery (Ibn Sina University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey)


participation in the 24th Congress of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Specialist Activities

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

This is a minimally invasive operation aimed at removing the gallbladder through small incisions in the abdominal cavity using laparoscopic equipment.

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Surgical treatment of obesity

Surgical treatment of obesity is a set of procedures aimed at weight loss in patients with severe forms of obesity who do not respond to conservative treatment methods.

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Consultation with a surgeon

На приеме врач осматривает пациента, анализирует его жалобы и историю болезни. Это первый этап в диагностике и планировании лечения хирургических заболеваний.

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Treatment of hiatal hernia

A set of measures aimed at eliminating hernias that occur when the abdominal organs are displaced into the chest.

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Treatment of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall

Surgical removal of pathological protrusion of internal organs through weak spots in the muscle tissue of the abdominal wall.

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Laparoscopic longitudinal gastric resection

Laparoscopic longitudinal gastric resection is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach to treat obesity. It helps to significantly reduce weight and improve health.

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Life outside the clinic

Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail


Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail
Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail
Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail

Kosachenko Mikhail

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Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
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  • Olymp Clinic MARS
  • Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
  • Olymp Clinic Ogni
Melentyev Alexander Alexandrovich

Experience: 14 years

MelentyevAlexander Alexandrovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Surgeon. Head of the General Surgery Department.

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Kosachenko Mikhail

Experience: 14 years


Candidate of Medical Sciences. The doctor is a surgeon.

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Novikova Inna Valeryevna

Experience: 24 years

NovikovaInna Valeryevna

Oncologist, surgeon, mammologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

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Chagava Dmitry Alekseevich

Experience: 21 years

ChagavaDmitry Alekseevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. A neurosurgeon.

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How to reach

7/1 Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya str., 129090, Moscow
Operating mode
Mon-Sun 09:00-21:00
+7 495 181-02-98
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Other ways of communication
From the metro station "Tsvetnoy Bulvar"

1 exit to the city, then left to the Garden Ring, at the crossing to the right, crossing the boulevard, one more crossing and at the traffic light to the left. The Olymp Clinic building is located overlooking the Garden Ring to the right of the crossing. Travel time is approximately 9 minutes. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic

From the metro station "Sukharevskaya"

Exit 3 from the metro and 640 meters straight ahead, the clinic will be on the right. Landmark - sign Olymp Clinic

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Kosachenko Mikhail


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