Lyubov Nikolaevna


from 14 years
Gruba Lyubov Nikolaevna
Seasoned endoscopy specialist with extensive experience in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract diagnostics. Performs esophagogastroduodenoscopies and ileocolonoscopies.
Start of the career: 2015

Start of the career: 2015

”Preventing disease is easier than treating it.” I make sure to examine everything in great detail, looking for even the smallest changes in the mucosa at the earliest stages of the disease.

Education and qualifications

Higher education
Professional development
work experience
Scientific activity


General Medicine

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Residency in General Surgery

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University


Professional retraining in the specialty "Endoscopy"

National Medical Research Centre for Coloproctology named after A. N. Ryzhikh



City Clinical Hospital N1 named after N.I.Pirogov


Publication in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission

Gruba L.N., Magomedov M.S., Vasilenko K.V., Lebedev I.S., Egiev V.N. The surgeon's view on the failure of the colon anastomosis suture. Risk factors (literature review)//Moscow Surgical Journal


Publication in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission

Gruba L.N., Magomedov M. S., Vasilenko K. V., Lebedev I. S., Egiev V. N. Experience in the use of intraoperative endoscopy for the purpose of early detection and prevention of complications of gastrointestinal anastomoses//Annals of Surgery

Patients reviews

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Comment from Zoom
Feb 21, 2020

The most attentive, most scrupulous doctor, will examine everything very meticulously! I do not know a better person than Lyubov Nikolaevna!!!

Comment from Yandex.Maps
Mar 31, 2023

I was at a reception with Lyubov Nikolaevna on 03/31/2023. The doctor performed my gastroscopy as efficiently and comfortably as possible. Before that, it was not possible to conduct a study due to a strong gag reflex, but thanks to the support and careful benevolent attitude, everything turned out, and smorit from and to, photos were given to the hands during the study. I am very grateful that there are such specialists! I will recommend this doctor to anyone who is afraid of the procedure. Hide

Comment from Yandex.Maps
Mar 2, 2023

Excellent specialist, attentive and friendly

Specialist Activities


Gastroscopy is a research method in which a doctor examines in detail the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using special endoscopic equipment.

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Endoscopic removal of epithelial formations of the gastrointestinal tract (removal of polyps)

Most gastrointestinal polyps belong to precancerous conditions, and colon polyps are essentially the only way to develop cancer, therefore they require mandatory removal.

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Colonoscopy is a research method in which a doctor uses endoscopic equipment to visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the colon and terminal ileum.

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Freedom of active life!

Soon your achievements will become your habit.

Freedom of active life!
Technologies that work for your future

Technologies that work for your future

We carefully choose each device that will be used in working with the patient: from an MRI scan with 4D imaging to a CT scanner with accurate 3D model construction. In the operating unit, specialists also use the most advanced solutions — in emergency situations, in case of injuries and for solving complex surgical tasks. Our complex of high-tech equipment from the world's most reputable manufacturers allows patients to use all the achievements of modern medicine and get the best diagnostic and treatment results.

Attention that heals

Attention that heals

We know that a warm human attitude is just as important for recovery as high-quality equipment. From the very first minutes in the clinic, you will be surrounded by a team that sincerely cares about each patient. Our doctors are the best in their fields, but not only because of their education and experience, but also because of their sensitivity: they listen attentively, explain all stages of treatment and are always supportive. From the friendly receptionist to the professor in the operating room, all our specialists work together to make the patient feel in safe hands.

Take a look at the work of specialists

Why gastro- and colonoscopy are not just procedures, but a necessity! - L.N. Gruba

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Olymp Clinic MARS
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Zharov Andrey Andreevich

Experience: 22 years

ZharovAndrey Andreevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Endoscopist

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How to reach

Moscow, 1st Yamskogo Polya Street, 15
Operating mode
Mon–Sun Around the clock
+7 495 255-50-03
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How to get

From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line - exit 4 After exiting the subway, walk through the pedestrian tunnel and climb the stairs. Move towards the railway tracks, go down the stairs immediately after them and walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS.

Travel time

9 minutes


Olympus Clinic MARS sign

How to get

From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Ring line - exit 2. After exiting the subway, turn left and walk to the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road through two pedestrian crossings and move along the Tverskoy overpass. Go down the stairs immediately after the railway tracks, walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS

Travel time

11 minutes


Olympus Clinic MARS sign

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Gruba Lyubov Nikolaevna


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