If you are experiencing frequent headaches, migraines or coordination problems, don't postpone seeing a specialist. Our qualified neurologists can help you manage these and many other conditions.
Experienced neurologists and epileptologists can help treat your symptoms and find the cause of the problem to improve your condition.
We use advanced imaging techniques for diagnostics, including MRI and multi-spiral CT scans, and for treatment, we develop individual treatment plans that include medication therapy, physiotherapy and physical therapy. We strive to ensure that everyone with a neurological condition receives the highest quality care and support. We combine professionalism, advanced medical technology and attentive care to ensure the best possible treatment results.
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- Olymp Clinic MARS
- Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
- Olymp Clinic Ogni
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- All Neurology services
Botulinum therapy for neurological diseases
This is a treatment method based on the injection of botulinum toxin type A into certain muscles to temporarily block nerve impulses, reduce muscle spasms and relieve pain.
Migraine Treatment
Treatment aimed at reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks. It may include drug therapy, behavioral and cognitive techniques, as well as recommendations for lifestyle and nutrition changes.
Neurologist's appointment
Specialists diagnose neurological symptoms. Among the disorders of NS, it is customary to distinguish several groups of clinical signs — pain syndrome, motor and/or sensory disorders, coordination disorders, pelvic disorders and general symptoms.
Choose clinics
- Olymp Clinic MARS
- Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
- Olymp Clinic Ogni
KirichenkoOlga Andreevna
A neurologist, a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine, a botulinum therapist.
Experience: 12 years
KozlovaEkaterina Viktorovna
Neurologist, functional diagnostics doctor (stimulation and needle EMG)
News & Media
Numbness of the fingers and pain in the wrist: how to recognize tunnel syndrome
Our hands are constantly in motion—we type, swipe through smartphone screens, tie shoelaces, and perform hundreds of other actions. But what if at one point it all starts to hurt? This discomfort may signal the development of tunnel syndrome. Today, this problem is known as the "office employee disease," although its victims are not only those who work a lot at the computer.
Insomnia. How to establish a relationship with sleep?
Sleep disorders are when you can't fall asleep even if you want to, or can't sleep long enough. Many people experience short-term (acute) insomnia that lasts for a few days or weeks (but less than 3 months). It is usually the result of stress or a traumatic event. Chronic insomnia lasts at least three nights a week for three months or more. The causes in this case are more profound. Now we will tell you why insomnia occurs and how to treat the sleep disorder.