
Endoscopy is the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Endoscopic examinations are performed with an endoscope, a flexible thin device with an HD camera and a light source.

Modern high-precision video endoscopic systems make it possible to diagnose even the smallest changes in the mucous membrane in the early stages of the disease, which is especially important when detecting precancerous conditions or tumors in the initial stages.

During the study, inflammation, erosion, ulcers, and neoplasms of the mucous membrane may be detected. If indicated, a biopsy of pathologically altered areas is performed and removal of identified benign neoplasms (polyps) is performed. At Olympus Clinics, children and adults undergo endoscopy "in their sleep", which makes the study painless and as comfortable as possible for the patient.


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  • All endoscopy services

Gastroscopy is a research method in which a doctor examines in detail the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using special endoscopic equipment.

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Colonoscopy is a research method in which a doctor uses endoscopic equipment to visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the colon and terminal ileum.

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Endoscopic removal of epithelial formations of the gastrointestinal tract (removal of polyps)

Most gastrointestinal polyps belong to precancerous conditions, and colon polyps are essentially the only way to develop cancer, therefore they require mandatory removal.

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Zharov Andrey Andreevich

Experience: 22 years

ZharovAndrey Andreevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Endoscopist

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