Allergology and Immunology

Comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of allergies and immune disorders - schedule an appointment with our specialists in one click!

Allergology and Immunology


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  • All allergology and immunology services
Diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions

Allergies can cause a lot of discomfort and, in severe cases, even be life-threatening. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods make it possible to identify allergens and bring allergy symptoms under control. In some cases, allergies can be cured permanently.

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Diagnosis and treatment of urticaria

Крапивница — это аллергическая реакция, проявляющаяся зудящими волдырями на коже. Своевременная диагностика и лечение помогают устранить симптомы и предотвратить рецидивы.

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Allergist's appointment

An appointment with an allergist, where a specialist identifies the causes of an allergic reaction, prescribes diagnostic tests and selects treatment.

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Allergology and Immunology
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