Inna Valeryevna

Oncologist, surgeon, mammologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

from 18 years
English, German
Novikova Inna Valeryevna
Inna Valeryevna is a specialist in the diagnosis of breast diseases, ultrasound of the mammary glands, fine needle puncture, biopsy of nodular formations, puncture of cystic formations under ultrasound control.
You're in good hands.

You're in good hands.

Inna Valeryevna will be able to understand the problem and help each patient.

Education and qualifications

Higher education
Professional development
work experience
Scientific activity



Российский Государственный Медицинский Университет



Российский Государственный Медицинский Университет






Российский Государственный Медицинский Университет


Ultrasound diagnostics

РНЦ Рентгенорадиологии



Алтайский Государственный Медицинский Университет

Specialist Activities

Consultation with a surgeon

На приеме врач осматривает пациента, анализирует его жалобы и историю болезни. Это первый этап в диагностике и планировании лечения хирургических заболеваний.

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Life outside the clinic

Novikova Inna

Novikova Inna

Novikova Inna

Frequently Asked Questions

Olymp Clinic Ogni
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  • Olymp Clinic MARS
  • Olymp Clinic Sadovaya
  • Olymp Clinic Ogni
Melentyev Alexander Alexandrovich

Experience: 14 years

MelentyevAlexander Alexandrovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. Surgeon. Head of the General Surgery Department.

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Kosachenko Mikhail

Experience: 14 years


Candidate of Medical Sciences. The doctor is a surgeon.

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Novikova Inna Valeryevna

Experience: 24 years

NovikovaInna Valeryevna

Oncologist, surgeon, mammologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor

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Chagava Dmitry Alekseevich

Experience: 21 years

ChagavaDmitry Alekseevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences. A neurosurgeon.

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How to reach

Moscow, 125124, Chapaevsky lane, 3
Operating mode
Mn-Sn 08:00-21:00
+7 495 487-94-27
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Other ways of communication
From Sokol metro station

The last car from the center: follow the signs for Exit 5. From the glass doors to the right and go to the end of the passage. Exit to the city by the steps to the left. After exiting the crossing to the street, go straight along Leningradsky Prospekt to the intersection with Chapaevsky Lane. Next, turn right (onto Chapaevsky Lane) and walk to the Triumph Palace residential complex. Entrance to the territory: through checkpoint No. 1, opposite the Vkusville store, you will need to present your passport. After passing through the checkpoint, go up the stairs to the fountain, opposite it you will see our clinic.

Travel time

10-12 minutes

From the Airport metro station

The first car from the center: follow the Exit 2-3 signs. Turn left out of the glass doors and walk to the end of the passage. After exiting the crossing to the street, go straight along Leningradsky Prospekt to the intersection with Chapaevsky Lane. Next, turn left (onto Chapaevsky Lane) and walk to the Triumph Palace residential complex. Entrance to the territory: through checkpoint No. 1, opposite the Vkusville store, you will need to present your passport. After passing through the checkpoint, go up the stairs to the fountain, opposite it you will see our clinic.

Travel time

12-15 minutes

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Novikova Inna Valeryevna


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