
The health and well—being of your children is our priority. Our experienced pediatricians offer a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases in children, creating a comfortable atmosphere for young patients and their parents.

We offer a full range of medical services, including regular checkups, vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Our doctors use modern methods and equipment to accurately diagnose and develop effective treatment plans.

If necessary, pediatricians can refer the child for consultations with specialized specialists, such as a cardiologist, neurologist, allergist or endocrinologist, in order to take into account all the features of his health. Taking care of children requires special delicacy, so the clinic provides all the conditions for a visit to the doctor to be as pleasant as possible. We take care of your children's health with love, providing high-quality medical care and support at all stages of growth and development.

Направления деятельности

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  • Все услуги педиатрии
Прием инфекциониста

Врач-инфекционист занимается оценкой симптомов, выявлением инфекционных агентов и разработкой рекомендаций для лечения и предотвращения распространения инфекций.

Прием педиатра

Прием педиатра включает оценку, диагностику и лечение медицинских состояний у детей от новорожденных до подростков.

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  • Олимп Клиник Огни
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Олимп Клиник Огни
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