Olymp Clinic specialists shared their experience at the Congress on plastic surgery

Olymp Clinic doctors took part in the XIII National Congress named after N.O. Milanov "Plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology". This event annually gathers professionals from all over the country: surgeons, cosmetologists, researchers. The Congress has become a kind of "bridge" between experienced craftsmen and young doctors who want to be aware of the most modern techniques and technologies.

This year, the specialists of Olympus Clinics presented three reports:

Difficult cases of nose reconstruction

Denis Genrikhovich Agapov, the chief physician of Olymp Clinics Sadovaya, presented the report "The case of reconstruction of the external nose". It was about a patient, Alice Arshavina, suffering from an autoimmune disease that led to the destruction of the cartilaginous skeleton of the nose. This situation was unique, the nose actually turned into a scarred hole in the middle area of the face. Doctors had to use a complex set of techniques: skin flaps from nasolabial folds, ear cartilage along with skin, and even rib cartilage to recreate the shape of the nose. 

This multi—stage reconstruction proves that modern plastic surgeons can do the seemingly impossible - to return comfort, self-confidence and joy to patients of ordinary, such simple things as normal breathing or reflection in a mirror that does not cause pain.

Botulinum neuroprotein as part of a comprehensive correction

Doctor Ilya Andreevich Sharov presented a report on how botulinum neuroprotein (aka botulinum toxin) helps the patient on the way to an ideal result before and after plastic surgery. According to his report "Botulinum neuroprotein as a primary link in cosmetological and surgical complex correction", the use of injection techniques before or after surgery can improve the quality of rehabilitation, relieve unwanted muscle tension, prepare tissues for surgery or strengthen the result. The successful cases presented in the report confirm that the combination of plastic surgery and cosmetology is the way to a longer lasting result.

Rehabilitation after endoscopy of the middle third of the face

Plastic surgeon Elena Viktorovna Nikolaeva presented the report "Features of postoperative rehabilitation of patients with endoscopy of the middle third of the face", written in collaboration with cosmetologist Irina Valeryevna Vershinina. Endoscopic surgeries allow you to work with the deepest structures of the face, making the skin more taut without extensive incisions. But after such an intervention, proper care is especially important. In the report, Elena Viktorovna presented clinical cases where active rehabilitation — using hardware and injection techniques — helps to accelerate the return to a habitual lifestyle and improve the quality of the final result.

The speeches of the doctors of Olympus Clinics at the congress are living stories about how behind complex medical terms there is a desire to make patients' lives better. Participation in such a major event is a great opportunity to share experiences, be inspired by the work of colleagues and together create new standards in plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

This is how progress is formed: through the exchange of experience, bold decisions, non-standard approaches and the desire to move on, even when it seems that there is nowhere else to go.

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