Are Generation Z the best workers?

Each generation has its own unique features in the work environment. Baby boomers are known for their strong work ethic and dedication, Generation X is associated with independence and entrepreneurial spirit, and millennials are renowned for their technical savvy and teamwork. And now the focus is on Generation Z, which will definitely contribute to the corporate world. What is it like, Generation Z at work? Let's figure it out now!

Psychologist Olymp Clinic Titareva Alexandra Sergeevna old all about the generation difference. 

Features of Generation Z

The search for life and personal meanings, value orientations defines a person. This is especially important for young people: in the period up to thirty years of age, personality develops most intensively — this is the time of its active formation, search and self-expression. 
During this period, the search for one's "I" falls, the formation of one's own identity and belonging: solving problems of life choice, overcoming difficulties and hardships of fate, experimenting with various social roles, views and lifestyles, building personal contacts with a significant social environment.
Generation Z, or "zoomers", are people born between about 1997 and 2012. They have been immersed in the digital environment since childhood and have grown up with access to smartphones, computers, social networks and the Internet. This makes them very confident technology users. Zoomers want flexible working and learning conditions: they choose online courses, prefer remote work to office work, and strive for a work-life balance.

Technological fluency and progressive thinking set them apart in a business climate that is increasingly dependent on digital innovation and cultural flexibility.

This generation's approach to work, shaped by a combination of digital origins and a desire to influence society, is revolutionary. For companies that want to grow in the face of these rapid changes, harnessing the potential of Generation Z is simply necessary.
But young people may not be competent and informed enough to cope with the intricacies of fate on their own, plan and analyze further developments, formulate and present their position to others, defend it.
All kinds of failures, fear of the unknown and negative assessment from other people, lack of stable income and dissatisfaction with their own results can also make adjustments to life meanings.
It is important not to forget that the period up to thirty years is a period of trial and error, a time of formation and self–determination, the search for new opportunities.

What is generational theory?

The theory of generations was created in 1991 by American writers and sociologists William Strauss and Neil Howe. According to this theory, people born in the same period have similar values and ways of thinking.
They identified four generational archetypes, each of which has its own unique features:
Baby Boomers (1946-1963): In their youth they were active and determined, striving to change the foundations of society. In adulthood, they became supporters of stability and the values they chose for themselves.
Generation X (1964-1980): People who grew up in an era of change, who matured early, becoming pragmatic. They value material achievements and often go to the goal without taking into account the opinions of others.
Generation Y ("millennials", 1981-1996): This generation is focused on the common good, values technology, shows humanism and optimism.
Generation Z ("zoomers", 1997-2012): They are sensitive to security issues and are willing to sacrifice personal freedom for the sake of enhanced public control and order.
The successors of the Zoomers have not yet been officially named. Sociologist Mark McCrindle suggested designating them as the "Alpha" generation. He believes that this generation will prefer online communication over real communication, and will also become the most educated and richest.
What is the essence of the theory of generations?
The essence of the concept is that generations change approximately every 15-20 years, and people from the same generation are united by three main factors:

The influence of historical events and socio-cultural trends: People of the same generation experience similar events and trends at certain stages of their lives. Nowadays, such trends can be economics, advertising and approach to work.
Shared beliefs and behaviors: Members of the same generation often have similar views and behaviors. For example, some generations may support the ideas of gender equality, while others may adhere to traditional views.
A sense of belonging through life experience: The experience gained during significant events creates a sense of unity within a generation. For example, people who survived the war and participated in the reconstruction of the country often feel a strong connection with each other.

Why is it needed?

To establish communication between people of different ages. Representatives of the same generation will always understand each other better than their parents or children. It is important to remember that there is no "perfect" generation. We're all different, that's okay. Each generation has its own unique strengths and values that can enrich society. Therefore, at work, in communication and training, you need to take these differences into account and look for ways to interact.

Generational differences

We have collected the key differences between generations. Maybe you're a zoomer or a baby boomer at heart?

1. The technological gap

Baby boomers: Grew up without the Internet and mobile technology.
Generation X: Witnesses to the appearance of the first computers and the Internet.
Generation Y: Grew up with the Internet and mobile phones.
Generation Z: Born in the digital world.

2. Attitude to work

Baby boomers: Value stability and long-term relationships with an employer.
Generation X: Pragmatic, often change jobs for career growth.
Generation Y: They love the remote format of work, they are looking for comfort. They often work for themselves. 
Generation Z: Prefer a flexible schedule and a hybrid format.

3. Values

Baby boomers: Supporters of patriarchal values. They have difficulty adapting to changes.
Generation X: More open to diversity and change.
Generation Y: Supports equality and social justice.
Generation Z: Sensitive to issues of inclusivity and social responsibility. They are loyal to opposing points of view. 

4. Education

Baby Boomers: Traditional university education.
Generation X: Used to rising education prices.
Generation Y: Choose online learning resources.
Generation Z: They also prefer the online format.

How do people relate to Generation Z?

The attitude of other generations towards zoomers depends on the context. Many older people admire their technological literacy. Freedom of thought, the pursuit of justice and an active civic position are also respected by others. Zoomers are perceived as a progressive generation capable of bringing new ideas. At the same time, some may be skeptical about the habits of zoomers, such as dependence on social media and technology, which is sometimes perceived as a lack of depth of thinking. 

Are the zoomers the future?

Attracting Generation Z professionals redefines the work environment and its dynamics. The unique combination of qualities and values of Zoomers is upending existing paradigms and paving the way for a more adaptive, inclusive and innovative corporate world. Beyond simple technological prowess, this shift embraces a broader vision of what the future of work can and should look like. 

As companies strive to remain relevant and competitive in an increasingly dynamic economic environment, understanding, adapting and harnessing the perspectives and skills of Generation Z will be a determining factor for success.

Companies that quickly recognize the potential of this generation and are flexible enough to align their strategies and culture with their preferences and ideals are keeping pace with progress. 

Specialists of different ages work at Olympus Clinics. We are not supporters of ageism — discrimination of a person by age, therefore we accept into the team those people who have high emotional intelligence, honed skills and great ambitions. First of all, it is important for us that everyone is comfortable working with each other.

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