Swollen eyelids: what to do?

Our eyelid skin is sensitive to various types of exposure. The situation is familiar to everyone: after working at the computer for a long time in the morning, we see heavily swollen eyelids in the mirror. This may be a temporary irritation that will go away on its own. Or a pathological condition due to the accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Do I need to contact a specialist? In the article we will tell you what else causes the eyelids to swell and how to put your appearance and health in order.

Self-medication or doctor's help?

Swelling of the eyelids can occur both in one eye (and usually indicates an infection) and in both. It may occur sporadically or be regular. If this is a rare case, then it is not necessary to consult a doctor. The swelling usually goes away during the day without treatment. The reasons, as a rule, are lack of sleep, a lot of salty foods or alcohol at night. 

In case of regular edema or if they do not go away after 24-48 hours, we recommend contacting a specialist. This may signal health problems. Come for a consultation with the ophthalmologists of Olympus Clinics. Our specialists will ask about your concerns, visually assess the condition of the eyelids to determine the degree and severity of edema to determine the cause of the symptom. If the cause is unclear, they will be referred to an allergist or therapist to clarify the causes of edema. After diagnosis, our specialists will tell you what causes eyelid swelling and prescribe an individual treatment plan and recommendations. 

Causes of swollen eyelids

The main causes of swelling under the eyes can be divided into several categories: inflammation, disorders of the internal organs, allergies and injuries. Let's tell you more about it now:

Impaired drinking regime:
Drinking large amounts of water before going to bed can provoke morning edema.
Lack of water causes the body to store fluid, including the area around the eyes.
Incorrect position during sleep:
If the head is below body level, fluid is trapped in the eyelid area.
Chronic fatigue, stress and lack of sleep can affect your appearance.
Unhealthy lifestyle:
Alcohol, smoking and poor nutrition disrupt the distribution of fluid in the body and can lead to liver and kidney diseases. Kidney and liver problems can lead to fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling in various parts of the body, including the eyelids.
Ophthalmic diseases:
Inflammations such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis or barley.
Problems of the cardiovascular system:
Hypertension, heart failure and other diseases.
Common diseases of the body:
Diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus, Quincke's edema, colds and allergies.
Improper care of the skin around the eyes:
Using low-quality cosmetics or sleeping with makeup.
Age-related changes:
With age, the skin loses its elasticity and density, which makes it thinner and more transparent. Thin skin is more susceptible to external factors and swells more often.
Long-term computer work.
Eye injuries.
Insect bites.

What should I do if my eyelids are swollen?

An ambulance when a meeting is on the nose

Before an important meeting, you want to look perfect. You can try to hide large swelling of the eyelids with concealer and make accent eye makeup. But it is important to understand the cause of puffiness, as cosmetics can help visually, but worsen the situation. 

In case of injury 
Eye swelling in soft tissue injury often resolves on its own as it heals. The duration of recovery depends on the severity of the injury and can range from several hours to several days. If the swelling persists or worsens after a day, consult a doctor to rule out complications. Remember that in case of any injury, you need to consult a doctor. 
What to do with swelling from injury:
Cold compress:
Cold narrows blood vessels and prevents the formation of hematomas if a compress is applied immediately after injury. Wrap the ice or frozen product in a cloth (towel, gauze) and moisten the cloth in cold water before applying to the swelling.
After a fun party with alcohol
After alcohol, the eyelids swell due to intoxication of the body. External treatment may not be enough. It is necessary to remove toxins and restore the acid-base balance.
What to do with alcohol intoxication:
Water with lemon:
Add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of warm water and drink in small sips.
Lymphatic drainage massage:
Gentle pats and light pressure from the bridge of the nose to the temples help to get rid of stagnation of lymph. Do not forget to apply moisturizer to the eye area before the massage.
After the tears
What to do if your eyelids are swollen after crying:
Cosmetic products:
Use creams with caffeine, hydrogel masks, products with hyaluronic acid, vitamins C and K.
For allergies
Avoiding the allergen helps prevent swelling, but if the allergen is not found, other methods can be used.
What to do with allergies:
Take antihistamines only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Cold compress:
A tea bag or any other cold compress can help, but does not guarantee an effect if contact with the allergen continues.
How to prevent swelling of the eyelids?

To always look perfect, we have collected useful tips: 

Sleeping on your back: If you sleep on your back, you are already performing a beauty ritual, as gravity helps the liquid not to linger in the tissues.
Avoid allergens: Try to avoid allergens that can cause eye irritation, such as dust, pollen, pets, etc.
Cold compresses: Use cold compresses (such as cold tea bags, sliced potatoes, or eye masks) on closed eyelids to maintain a healthy and attractive eye appearance.
Eyelid Massage: Try a light eyelid massage to improve blood circulation and reduce puffiness. However, be careful and watch out for pressure on the soft areas of the face. 
Hydration: Use moisturizers or eye gels. They can help relieve fatigue and improve the overall appearance of the eye area.
Proper nutrition and hydration: Drink two liters of water per day to maintain water balance and eat less salty, sweet and spicy foods. And try not to eat at night. 
Regular breaks when working at the computer: If you spend a lot of time at the computer, then take small pauses so as not to overexert your eyes. 
"I have severely swollen congenital eyelids. What should I do?"
When everything is fine with health, but the eyelids look swollen, plastic surgery comes to the rescue. Blepharoplasty is an operation to correct the eyelid. It is performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. The operation eliminates excess skin, fat deposits and other signs of aging or birth defects such as drooping eyelids. After surgery, the stitches look invisible, as plastic surgeons at Olympus Clinics use thin threads and perform incisions in natural folds. Our specialists monitor the rehabilitation process by scheduling follow-up visits. They also keep in touch with the patient after surgery so that you can share interim results, ask questions, and receive recommendations. It is important for us that you feel confident and calm, starting with the consultation and until complete healing.

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Olympus Clinic Sadovaya
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