Summer injuries: first aid for bruises, dislocations and sprains

Summer is a time for walking, outdoor activities and sports. The sun and warm weather encourage us to spend more time outside and enjoy nature. But the more we move, the higher the risk of injury becomes. It is not surprising that bruises and dislocations become frequent companions of summer leisure. Of course, in case of serious injuries such as fractures, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. But what to do with less significant injuries — minor bruises, sprains with slight swelling and pain? In such cases, you can help yourself and others on your own, knowing the basics of first aid. In this article, we will tell you how to cope with injuries sustained during summer activities and quickly return to your usual lifestyle.


A large proportion of summer injuries are fractures. They most often occur during active sports activities. 

Symptoms of a fracture
Acute, severe pain at the site of injury.
Deformity of a limb or joint.
Inability to move the damaged part of the body.
Swelling and bruising.
A crunch or crackle at the moment of injury.

When providing first aid to a fracture victim, fix the limb in a stationary state and attach an ice pack to the injury site. Contact the traumatology department immediately. 

In case of a fracture, the integrity of the bone is violated, so it is important to immediately consult a doctor. Self-treatment of a fracture can lead to the fact that the bones will heal incorrectly, the injury will give serious complications and subsequent treatment will be delayed for a long time.


Bruises occur upon impact or fall, causing minor soft tissue damage. 

Types of bruises:
Light bruises: minor damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mild pain and slight swelling.
Moderate bruises: damage to muscles and ligaments, more pronounced pain, swelling and hematoma.
Severe bruises: serious damage to deep tissues, significant swelling, severe pain, large hematomas and impaired function of the damaged area.

After a bruise, it is better not to load the limb. It will be possible to return to the usual life after the pain and swelling have passed. 

Dislocations of joints

A dislocation of a joint is a serious injury in which the bones come out of their normal position in the joint. It is impossible to fix the dislocation on your own, it requires medical intervention. Without proper treatment, chronic joint instability may occur, which causes dislocations to recur regularly. 

Symptoms of dislocation
Severe, acute pain in the joint area.
Deformity of the joint, a visible change in its shape.
Inability to move the injured limb.
Swelling and redness in the area of injury.
Loss of sensitivity or tingling sensation in the affected area.

First aid for dislocation of the joint is immobilization. In case of dislocation, immobilize the injured area with the help of improvised means, apply ice and immediately consult a doctor. 

Sprains occur when ligaments or muscles are subjected to excessive tension or sudden movement. This leads to their damage. Sprains often occur during sports, sudden falls, or improper weight lifting.

Symptoms of stretching
Pain at the site of injury, which increases with movement.
Swelling and redness.
Limitation of mobility.
Sometimes a small bruise may occur.

Ligament damage

Ligaments are dense fibrous structures connecting bones in joints. Damage to the ligaments of the joint can range from mild sprains to complete tears. Such injuries often occur with sudden movements, falls, or excessive stress on the joints.

Sprain (mild): partial damage to the ligament fibers, which is accompanied by mild pain and swelling.
Incomplete rupture (moderate degree): damage to most of the ligament fibers, significant pain, swelling and limited mobility.
Complete rupture (severe): complete rupture of the ligament, severe pain, significant swelling and instability of the joint.

If there are signs of serious damage or rupture of ligaments, you should immediately consult a doctor. 

First aid for limb bruises, joint dislocations, sprains and ligament injuries

Ensure complete peace. Avoid exertion and movement that can increase pain or cause additional damage. If necessary, use crutches to reduce the load.

Apply ice. Ice helps reduce swelling and pain by slowing blood flow to the damaged area. Keep the compress in place for 15-20 minutes, then take a break for 1-2 hours and repeat if necessary. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, use a cloth or towel.

Use an elastic bandage. Light compression of the injured area will help reduce swelling and prevent the formation of hematomas. Do not tighten the bandage too tightly, so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

Lift the damaged part of the body above the level of the heart. This will help reduce swelling by improving fluid outflow.

Immobilization. If a dislocation or rupture of ligaments is suspected, use a splint or improvised means to immobilize the injured area. Do not try to fix the dislocation yourself. 

When should I see a doctor?

In case of injuries, it is important to correctly assess their severity and seek medical help in time. Go to the doctor if you have:

Pain that does not go away after first aid.
A visible change in the shape of a joint or limb.
Complete or partial limitation of mobility in a joint or limb.
Severe swelling and large bruises.
Inflammation and fever in the injury area.
Loss of sensation, tingling or numbness in the injury area.
Crunching, cracking, or other unusual sounds in a joint or limb when moving.
If the condition does not improve for several days or worsens.

Olympus Clinic specialists will be happy to help you with any injury. Thanks to timely and effective treatment, you will be able to quickly return to sports and habitual activities. 

How to avoid summer injuries?

To protect yourself and your loved ones from injury in the summer, be sure to warm up before playing sports, use high-quality sports equipment and observe safety precautions. Do not put yourself under excessive stress and avoid sudden movements. 

By learning first aid techniques, you can avoid serious injuries and enjoy the summer season without worries!

Schedule a visit to the clinic

Multi-field health center
Olympus Clinic Sadovaya
Олимп Клиник Огни
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