What are the types of aging?

With age, our appearance changes, gaining new shades of attractiveness. Think of the American actress Halle Berry: her beauty becomes more refined, and the natural charm remains the same. But it can be difficult to accept these changes. To prolong the radiance of youth, it is important to determine your type of facial aging. This will help in choosing procedures for correcting age-related changes. In the article we will tell you who botulinum therapy is suitable for, and who needs SMAS lifting.

Types of facial aging + rejuvenation methods

Aging is a natural process that affects the entire body, including the skin. You can slow it down if you know your skin type, existing imperfections and morphological features. By determining your type of aging, you can predict changes in facial features and choose suitable cosmetic products and procedures. And also, if you look like your mother in terms of skin type and face shape, then her appearance now may be a reflection of yours in the future. But a more reliable way is to study yourself carefully.

There are 4 conditional types of aging. Let's look at each one in detail. 

Tired morphotype 

Patients with this type of aging look young for a long time due to the average severity of the muscle layer and subcutaneous fat (PFA), as well as normal or dry skin. The first signs of aging appear after the age of 30. In the morning, the face is fresh and young, but by the end of the day it becomes a little "sad": the corners of the eyes and lips droop, slight puffiness occurs, nasolabial furrows appear, and the skin dims.

Over time, the pancreas becomes thinner, and the face loses its fullness, especially in the area of the cheekbones, although the skin retains elasticity for a long time. Large wrinkles and creases usually appear after 45 years, and there are almost no fine wrinkles.

How to prolong youth: After the age of 25, it is recommended to maintain muscle tone and improve lymph flow through manual and hardware massage, as well as microcurrent procedures. For the first wrinkles, light peels, including laser peels, are suitable. Hardware techniques can be combined with plasma therapy, biorevitalization and mesotherapy. With pronounced age-related changes, you can try contouring to restore lost volumes. In care cosmetics, look for antioxidants (vitamins C and E) and choose products for deep hydration of the skin.

Deformational morphotype 

This type is typical for Slavic appearance. When young, the face has large features, blush and plump cheeks. Wrinkles form late, but over time, due to the developed PHC, the face begins to sink down, changing features. The lower third of the face suffers the most: blisters and a second chin appear, as well as rosacea due to compression of blood vessels. At the same time, the skin remains dense and without fine wrinkles.

How to prolong youth: Prevention should begin at the age of 18-20, strengthening the muscle frame with the help of myostimulation — a procedure for tightening facial muscles using pulsed electric current. After the age of 30, it is recommended to perform laser procedures — RF lifting and SMAS lifting. The Ulthera System SMAS lifting procedure has a pronounced effect on the skin of the face, as a result of which wrinkles and creases go away, nasolabial folds soften, and the oval of the face becomes clearer. The result is not visible immediately after the first session, but only after a few months. But the lifting effect and more pronounced facial contours will delight the patient for a year and a half.

Thread braces and mesotherapy are also suitable for reducing body fat. In home care, choose products with retinoids for skin renewal and elasticity.

Fine wrinkled morphotype 

This type is typical for patients with fine facial features and a thin build, who have practically no pancreas. The skin is thin, dry and almost "transparent". With age, it becomes drier and many fine wrinkles appear on it, especially on the neck and hands. However, due to the small volume of the pancreas, the face retains clear features, remaining young and elegant for a long time.

How to prolong youth: A lot of attention should be paid to moisturizing and nourishing the skin with the help of cosmeceuticals, which maintain the integrity of the hydrolipidic mantle, a structure that ensures the strength of the epidermal barrier. Choose injectable treatments such as botulinum therapy and biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. Botulinum therapy in Olympus Clinics is carried out using certified materials — Myotox, Xeomin and Dysport. Our experienced cosmetologists will select the drug, determine the volume and area of correction, depending on your wishes and appearance characteristics. As a result, you will get a natural and "mild" rejuvenation effect. 

And laser resurfacing and phototherapy are suitable for combating pigmentation and rosacea.

Muscular morphotype 

This type is most often found in Asian appearance. They are characterized by a well-developed muscle layer, an average level of PFA and dense, oily skin. All layers of the skin are tightly attached to the facial skeleton. A woman of this type retains a well-defined oval face for a long time, but signs of aging appear sharply, expressed in large wrinkles on the forehead, around the lips and lower eyelids, as well as pigmentation.

How to prolong youth: Here you should take care of maintaining the quality of the skin. Cosmetic products with a high content of vitamin C are useful for the prevention of pigmentation, and products with retinol are useful for exfoliating and renewing the skin. Biorevitalization will help to preserve the elasticity and radiance of the skin, and phototherapy will eliminate and prevent pigmentation. Large wrinkles can be corrected with the help of contouring.

And which morphotype ages earlier than the others?

The fine-wrinkled morphotype ages the fastest. Patients with this type have thin and dry skin, they have almost no subcutaneous fat. Due to these features, the skin quickly loses moisture and elasticity, which leads to noticeable age-related changes earlier than in other morphotypes.

About premature aging

Premature aging is a process in which age—related signs appear earlier than expected by age. Normally, aging is associated with gradual changes that appear over time. Premature aging differs in that these changes occur at an earlier age. 

What contributes to premature aging?

Ultraviolet radiation: Prolonged exposure to the sun without SPF protection accelerates the destruction of collagen and elastin, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and age spots.
Smoking: Nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco damage skin cells, reduce its ability to regenerate and impair blood circulation.
Environmental pollution: Exhaust fumes, smoke and other pollutants can cause inflammation and damage to the skin.
Poor nutrition: A lack of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the diet worsens the overall condition of the skin.
Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep increases stress and cortisol levels, which can accelerate the appearance of the first signs of aging.
Stress: Chronic stress leads to increased production of cortisol, which destroys collagen and elastin in the skin.
Hormonal changes: Changes in hormone levels, such as a decrease in estrogen in menopausal women, can lead to accelerated skin aging.

How to determine your type of aging?

It is difficult to understand your morphotype on your own, since you can confuse two skin conditions — greasiness and dehydration, in which it glitters and actively produces excess sebum. 

But still, the basic diagnosis can be carried out independently by answering a few questions:

Do you have tightness, dry skin and peeling? These symptoms may indicate a fine-wrinkled type of aging.
Do you have any swelling? Are the nasolabial folds pronounced, is there a second chin? If so, this may indicate a deformational type of aging (but these characteristics may also apply to the tired type).
Do you have rosacea? Grey skin tone? Pronounced nasolabial folds, and the corners of the lips and eyes stretch down? If you answer "yes" to most of the questions, you probably have a tired type of aging.
Do you have a clear oval? Does the skin of the upper eyelid break? These features are characteristic of the muscular type of aging.

If you have many of the above symptoms, then you may have a combined type of aging.

For a more accurate diagnosis and preparation of a beatification plan, come for a consultation with cosmetologists at Olympus Clinics. Our specialists are deeply versed in the anatomy of the face. They will help determine the morphotype and prescribe preventive or anti-aging procedures that will emphasize your beauty. And the favorite of our patients among anti—aging procedures is 7D-rejuvenation Thermolifting Oligio. The combination of radiofrequency lifting and mesotherapy gives a natural rejuvenation effect. Deep and fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the contours of the face become clearer, and the skin becomes denser.

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