How do I remove the rings of Venus on my neck?

The first age-related signs occur on thin skin, namely in the neck and decollete area. The rings of Venus are horizontal folds on the neck that appear with age or due to active facial expressions. But even young women and men aged 25 may have two or three lines on their necks. And over time, the rings of Venus become more pronounced. How to remove the folds on the neck so that the skin looks toned? We will tell you in the article.

Anna Gennadievna Severova, cosmetologist at Olympus Clinics, told about the methods of getting rid of the rings of Venus. 

Rings on the neck: the reasons

And it's not just about age-related changes. We have collected the main reasons: 

  • Genetics

  • Age. The quality of the skin of the face and neck changes over time. The skin on the neck does not fit as tightly to the muscles as on the face, and due to the constant active movements of the head, the horizontal folds only intensify.

  • Posture. The habit of slouching and walking with your head down provokes poor blood circulation. And a second chin is formed and tissue prolapse (ptosis) is aggravated.

  • Gadget dependence. Frequent tilting of the head down when using smartphones or tablets creates additional pressure on the neck. This can lead to the formation of folds and wrinkles, including the rings of Venus. 

  • Sleeping on your stomach. Due to sleeping in this position for several hours, folds form on the sides of the neck. The ideal solution for proper blood circulation and minimizing the formation of folds is to sleep on your back.

  • Hormonal disorders. Such as thyroid diseases.

Other possible causes may be problems with the jaw joints, improper self-massage technique, sports related to constant weight lifting.

Is it possible to get rid of the folds on the neck at home? 

It is impossible to completely eliminate the folds on the neck at home. However, it is possible to improve the condition of the skin, reduce the visibility of existing folds and slow down the appearance of new ones. 

Skin Care

Since the rings of Venus are formed due to the specific structure of the muscle, no cosmetic treatment can completely eliminate wrinkles. However, home care can improve the quality of the skin, and the rings will no longer be so pronounced. Moreover, the neck ages faster than the skin on the face, so it requires special attention.
From the age of 20-25, creams with antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, etc.) can be applied to the neck and sunscreens should not be forgotten. The skin on the neck is prone to photoaging, so it is very important to protect it from the sun. 

From the age of 30-35, you can use cosmetics with peptides in the composition. And with the appearance of the first signs of wrinkles, switch to products with hyaluronic acid. You can also use retinol products, but be careful: the skin in the neck area is more sensitive than on the face and requires careful care. 

And at any age, do not forget to moisturize the skin, good hydration prevents the early appearance of wrinkles.

Nourish the skin from the inside out: Eat more Omega-3 foods, as it promotes collagen synthesis, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases. 

Facial Gymnastics

Include neck stretching exercises in your daily routine. They allow you to relax the subcutaneous muscles of the neck to improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of new folds. 

To combat the rings of Venus, you can do the following simple exercises at home: 

  • Neck Extension: Sit up straight, lift your chin up, stretch your neck and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

  • Circular head movements: Slowly rotate your head in a circle to one side and the other. Repeat 5-10 laps at a time.

  • "Kiss the sky": Stretch your neck and lips upwards, as if trying to "kiss" the air. Hold for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

  • Head turns: Turn your head to the right and left, lingering in each position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Consider Pilates, yoga, dancing, or even ballet—all of these activities require you to keep your head straight, stretch your neck, and straighten your spine.


Massage from the rings of Venus is useful because it helps to improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the neck area. It also relaxes tense muscles, preventing wrinkles from deepening. Massage allows you to give your skin smoothness and radiance, and it will also become a pleasant relaxing ritual. Stock up on a roller or gouache scraper for self-massage: 

The video: 

Roll the roller along the neck from the bottom up — from the collarbones to the chin. This stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Repeat 5-10 times on each side.


Use a gouache scraper, moving it up the neck from the bottom with light movements. Start from the base of the neck, finish under the chin. Do 5-7 movements on each side, not forgetting the oil for better gliding.

Be sure to combine it with evening skin care. It is important to perform all movements carefully so as not to stretch the delicate skin, and avoid any contact with the thyroid gland area.

And do not forget to monitor the position of the neck relative to the body: gadgets should be kept at eye level.

And how to remove the rings of Venus from a cosmetologist? 

We have collected the most popular procedures for eliminating the rings of Venus, which are carried out in Olympus Clinics. 

1. Contour plastic

Hyaluronic acid fillers are injected under the skin to fill the rings of Venus. Contouring is one of the most effective methods to eliminate the rings of Venus. At Olympus Clinics, our cosmetologists use only certified and safe materials. After the procedure, the skin is noticeably smoothed and acquires a youthful appearance. The result usually lasts from 6 to 12 months.

2. Botulinum therapy

Botulinum toxin injections temporarily block nerve impulses, relaxing muscles.
As a result, muscle hypertonia goes away, which leads to folds and wrinkles. The changes are visible after a few days and the transformation lasts up to six months.

3. Mesotherapy

This is the introduction of cocktails of vitamins, amino acids, peptides, and mineral growth factors into the middle layer of the skin. A mix of active ingredients moisturizes, nourishes and improves the texture of the skin. The effect is cumulative, and visible results may appear after several sessions.

4. CO2 laser grinding

CO2 laser resurfacing is a procedure during which a cosmetologist uses a carbon dioxide laser to deeply renew the skin. Laser light penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis, vaporizing old cells and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This allows you to significantly improve the texture and elasticity of the skin, as well as reduce the appearance of wrinkles and ring-shaped folds. The effect of laser resurfacing becomes noticeable after a few weeks, when the skin begins to heal and renew.

5. Morpheus 8 Needle RF lifting

This is a procedure that combines radiofrequency lifting with microneedle therapy. During the session, thin needles are used to deliver radiofrequency energy to the deep layers of the skin, which stimulates the production of collagen and improves the structure of the skin. The Morpheus 8 effect is a pronounced neck lift, improved elasticity and texture of the skin, as well as reduced visibility of wrinkles and folds. 

6. APTOS thread lifting 

This is an alternative to a surgical facelift. The cosmetologist uses special biocompatible filaments that are inserted under the skin using thin needles, creating a framework. This frame supports and shapes soft tissues. The transformation after the thread lifting is instantaneous — the contours of the face and neck become clearer. Collagen production is also stimulated, which over time improves the texture and elasticity of the skin. 

And cosmetologists from Olympus Clinics will help you choose the right procedure for consultation. They will ask about your concerns and conduct a visual examination of the neck skin to determine the severity of the rings of Venus. Then they will develop a personalized appearance harmonization plan that will lead you to the appearance of your dreams.

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Olympus Clinic Sadovaya
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