How can I fix my hearing loss?

Patients have been thinking about the elimination of hearing loss since childhood. Many people come for otoplasty at an early age. This is due to the fact that during this period the ear cartilage is softer and easier to correct. And also because lop—eared is a feature that can make a child shy and influence his adaptation at school. Adult patients often combine surgery for hearing loss with other plastic surgery on the face. Ears can not only be "pinned", but also their shape can be changed, reduced in size or made more symmetrical. In the article, we will tell you more about the operation on the ears for hearing loss.

Is otoplasty suitable for you?

Mandatory conditions before any surgical intervention are a good state of health and realistic expectations. 

If you are very worried and feel that the excitement will only increase before the operation, it is better to postpone the correction. A positive attitude leads to a more positive reaction from the result. Consultation with plastic surgeons at Olympus Clinics helps you decide what is best for you not only aesthetically, but also psychologically. 

Note: Perfect symmetry is not possible after surgery. As with natural ears, the position of the ears after surgery will not match perfectly. Even if it seems that there is a defect in only one ear, the operation is usually performed on both ears for a harmonious result.

Indications for otoplasty: 

  • otapostasis (protruding ears);

  • microtia (congenital underdevelopment of the auricles);

  • damage or deformation of the auricles after injury;

  • damage after using massive jewelry or unsuccessful piercing.

*it is also important to have somatic health — the physical health of the patient, which reflects the current state of the body's organs and systems. 

Types of otoplasty

Aesthetic otoplasty is aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects such as protruding ears, large auricles or asymmetry. 

Standard ear:

  • the lower point of the earlobe is at the same level with the lower part of the nose;

  • the upper point of the ear and the outer corner of the eye are on the same horizontal line;

  • the length of the earlobe is 2 cm or less;

  • the angle between the plane of the ear and the head does not exceed 30 degrees;

  • the angle between the curl and the countercurl is within 90 degrees.

Aesthetic otoplasty can be indicated when:

  • underdevelopment of the antimicrobial;

  • excessively developed cartilage tissue of the ear;

  • protrusion of the fleshy part of the ear (lobe);

  • an excessively large auricle.

All these aesthetic imperfections can be corrected with the help of otoplasty in both children and adults. The operation is minimally invasive, so it takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. 

Reconstructive otoplasty makes it possible to eliminate complex ear defects that have arisen due to developmental disorders, injuries or the complete absence of the external part of the auditory organ. Such defects include microtia, atony, deformations of the lobe, curl.

The reconstruction of the outer ear involves a series of complex operations using modern correction methods. For example, cartilage taken from the rib is used to restore part of the ear. On the basis of this cartilage, a graft is grown, which is then covered with skin.

Methods of otoplasty

  1. Scalpel otoplasty: An outdated method in which a scalpel is used. This method is cheaper, but it is accompanied by a long rehabilitation period and a higher risk of complications.

  2. Laser otoplasty is a popular method that is characterized by high speed, short rehabilitation period, precision of incisions, bactericidal effect on tissues. The laser beam softens the cartilage tissue, which makes it easier to cut. Incisions are performed smoothly, without blood loss, heal quickly, and the risks are minimal. 

  3. Radio wave otoplasty: A new method for correcting hearing loss using radio waves. Precise incisions, low injury rate, rapid healing, absence of incision marks — all these are the advantages of radio wave technology. Currently, this method is not available in all clinics. 

Is there an alternative to otoplasty?

There is no alternative to correction of hearing loss, which could change the position or shape of the ears. Perhaps you are thinking about this surgery to help your child feel more confident. There are other ways to achieve this. Talking to a psychologist can help you overcome anxiety about your appearance or your child's appearance.

How do I prepare for surgery? 

Before the correction, the specialists of Olympus Clinics prescribe a comprehensive examination. What does it include?

  • Blood and urine tests;

  • Checking glucose levels;

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG);

  • Consultation with an anesthesiologist.

But preparation is an individual process. To be confident in your health and feel ready for changes, come for a consultation with the specialists of Olympus Clinics. 

And how is the rehabilitation after otoplasty?

The recovery period consists of several stages:

  • Postoperative period: In the first days after plastic surgery, swelling, bruising, and mild pain are possible. To reduce discomfort, Olympus Clinic specialists prescribe painkillers. The patient needs to wear a bandage that supports the ears in the correct position, protects them from accidental injuries.

  • Wearing a compression bandage: During the first week after surgery, it is necessary to constantly wear a compression bandage. In the future, the bandage will need to be worn only at night for 3-4 weeks.

  • Care: It is important to observe the hygiene of the operating area. Sutures should be treated regularly with antiseptic agents prescribed by the doctor. You can wash your hair a few days after surgery so that water does not get on fresh stitches. And the doctor will also prescribe scheduled dressings, which are carried out every 3 days until the stitches are removed. 

  • Restriction of physical activity: During rehabilitation, the patient should not engage in intensive training, as the risk of injury increases. It is also recommended to sleep on your back so as not to put pressure on your ears.

  • Follow-up visits to the doctor: Regular checkups with the surgeon are necessary to monitor the healing process. Stitches are usually removed 7-10 days after surgery.

  • Full recovery period: Full tissue healing takes from 3 to 6 months. During this period, a new contour of the ears is finally formed, so you can evaluate the result.

Over time, all the swelling will disappear. In most cases, the correction of floppy ears leaves an inconspicuous scar, since it is located in natural folds. After 12 months, the scar is almost invisible. 

The results are preserved for life. However, the ear cartilage is very elastic, so there is always some forward movement of the ears after surgery. 

Compliance with all doctor's recommendations, careful care will ensure a successful recovery and a positive result of otoplasty.

About plastic surgeons of Olympus Clinics

Otoplasty at Olympus Clinics is performed by empathic and experienced specialists. At the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail about the operation, show you a portfolio, and help you mentally prepare for plastic surgery. Tell the doctor about your fears, as excitement before surgery is natural. Your fears may be related to information that you have heard or read somewhere. But these are not always true sources. Our doctors always talk about contraindications and make up an individual examination plan. If you have any contraindications to surgery, then you will definitely be told about them.

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Olympus Clinic Sadovaya
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