How can endoscopic eyebrow and forehead lifting change your face?

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the eyebrows are the frame that frames this mirror. When we look at a person, first of all we pay attention to his face, especially to the eye area. It is the eyes that play a key role in how we perceive a person's emotions, mood, and even age.

Unfortunately, over the years, soft tissues lose their tone and elasticity: the eyebrows begin to "slide", the interbrow falls and forms wrinkles, and the upper eyelids hang over the eyelashes, creating the impression of excess skin. The outer corners of the eyes also drop down. All these changes give the face a sullen expression and can visually add age.

It also happens that even in young girls, the position of the eyebrows turns out to be low, and their tails tend downwards. Because of this, the face may seem tired or sad, although in fact the person may be in a great mood.

But there is good news! Modern aesthetic surgery can offer a solution for natural rejuvenation and harmonization of appearance. Endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face allows you to smooth out wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, "raise" the eyebrows and correct the area of the upper eyelid and the outer corner of the eye, making the look more expressive and open. 

In the article, Olga Gennadievna Yakovleva, a plastic surgeon at Olympus Clinics, talked about how endoscopic lifting can improve your appearance.
Endoscopic lifting of the forehead and eyebrows

This is a time-tested surgical manipulation that helps in rejuvenation and beautification of the entire upper third of the face. Through small incisions in the scalp, the surgeon uses an endoscope to mobilize soft tissues and move them to a more harmonious position. The natural result is achieved due to the fact that nothing is removed or added from the outside — no incisions on the face. There is only a careful movement of their own tissues.

What problems can be solved with endoscopic lifting?

Endoscopic lifting is suitable for both patients with age-related changes and younger people who have a naturally low eyebrow position.

You can use it to solve the following problems:

Wrinkles and creases in the area between the eyebrows;
Low eyebrow position;
Eyebrow asymmetry;
Drooping eyelids.

How is the operation going?

Most often, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Using small incisions in the hair growth area, the surgeon inserts an endoscope, a miniature device with a camera that transmits an image to the screen. The endoscope is equipped with a lens system that allows you to enlarge the image, as under a microscope. This provides excellent visualization of all structures, allowing the surgeon to carefully and safely separate the soft tissues from the underlying structures and move them to a more harmonious position. All details, such as the vector of tissue movement, the degree of correction, the need to raise the entire eyebrow or accent on the ponytail and other wishes of the patient, are carefully discussed at the consultation stage.

What is good about endoscopic frontotemporal lifting and braulifting?

Small incisions and the use of an endoscope ensure minimal injury;
Patients can return to normal life 5-7 days after the procedure;
Due to the delicate intervention, the risk of severe postoperative swelling and bruising is reduced;
The results of the procedure can last for about 8-10 years.

After surgery, patients note a more expressive and youthful look, raised eyebrows, smoothing wrinkles and eliminating the effect of "heavy" eyelids. As a result, the patient gets a beautiful and natural result.
Is it possible to combine forehead and eyebrow lifting with blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids. When correcting the upper eyelids, the operation allows you to remove "excess" skin, carefully remove or redistribute overhanging fat deposits, as well as adjust the shape of the eyelid crease. Lower blepharoplasty helps to align the contours of the lower eyelid, eliminate or redistribute fat bags known as "bags under the eyes", and, if necessary, remove excess skin.

The combination of blepharoplasty with endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face allows for more noticeable results. Combining these procedures also reduces the rehabilitation time, as it does not have to be done twice.

Rehabilitation after endoscopic forehead lifting and braulifting

After the procedure, small swelling and bruising may occur, which usually disappear within 1-2 weeks. To speed up rehabilitation and tissue healing, the doctor may recommend physical therapy. In the first 2-3 weeks, there will be temporary hypercorrection when the position of the tissues is above the desired level. It is important to understand that this is a necessary part of the process to achieve a harmonious result and hypercorrection will definitely take place.

The very next day after the operation, you can remove the bandage, take a shower and wash your hair. After a week, you can use cosmetics, including care products. During the first month, you should refrain from intense physical activity and sports. You should not visit the baths, saunas, as well as the swimming pool and solarium.  

Why do patients choose Olympus Clinics?

Endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face is a gentle way to improve the appearance without visible signs of interference. Modern techniques make it possible to achieve natural and long-term results, but the final effect depends not only on the chosen method, but also on the experience and skill of the specialist performing the procedure.

Olympus Clinics employs highly qualified cosmetologists and experienced surgeons who will help you achieve the result you dream of. Sign up for a consultation and take the first step towards a new look!

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