How to cure angina quickly?

The word "angina" comes from the Latin "angina", which means "squeeze" and "strangle". And this is due to the sensations of the disease: sore throats with sore throat cause great discomfort, even such simple processes as chewing and swallowing make it difficult. Is there anything that can help? In the article we will talk about the treatment of angina and how to protect yourself from complications.

Anastasia Dmitrievna Selivanova, an otorhinolaryngologist at Olympus Clinics, told all about angina. 

How do I know that I have angina?

The main symptom of angina (acute tonsillitis) is severe sore throat. 
Other signs may include:
An increase in body temperature. In some cases, the temperature may rise above 38 degrees.
Plaque on the tonsils: White or yellow dots or plaque may appear on the tonsils. And the tongue with angina is often covered with a whitish or yellowish coating.
Common symptoms of intoxication: Headache, weakness, fatigue, aching muscles and joints.
Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes: The cervical lymph nodes may be enlarged and painful on palpation.
Bad breath: Due to deposits on the tonsils.
What is the cause of angina?
Angina, or acute tonsillitis, can be caused by two main pathogens:

Viruses. They cause angina in most cases (influenza viruses, respiratory viruses, herpes simplex viruses, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus infection).
Bacteria. More often, streptococci cause tonsillitis in about 10-25% of cases.
It is the bacterial lesion of streptococci that can be correctly called angina. If the infection is viral, the term acute tonsillitis is used. 
The mechanism of transmission of infections:  

Airborne (aerosol route, through the smallest droplets of saliva when talking, sneezing or coughing)
Alimentary (through food)
Contact (through common household items, “dirty hands")

How long does a person remain contagious?

The incubation period of angina is 24-48 hours. The incubation period is the time between infection and the onset of symptoms. During this period, you can infect others. In the case of a competent diagnosis and with the correct selection of therapy for streptococcal angina, the patient is not contagious after a day from the start of treatment. However, with the course of viral tonsillitis, or incorrect diagnosis and incorrect therapy of bacterial tonsillitis, the isolation of viruses and bacteria can last much longer. 

Therefore, it is important to correctly diagnose and determine the pathogen. 
The ENT doctors of the Olympus clinic diagnose and prescribe treatment according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, which helps to alleviate symptoms, as well as speeds up the recovery process. 

Diagnosis of angina
Diagnosis begins with a medical examination. The doctor examines the oral mucosa, tonsils, and pharynx. Palpation of the lymph nodes is also performed. 
Laboratory tests are carried out to make a diagnosis. One of the most common tests is a rapid streptococcal infection test, which helps to understand whether angina is caused by Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. A medical professional uses a sterile cotton swab to take a swab from the surface of the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx. A swab with a biomaterial is placed in a special solution. Then the solution is applied to the test strip, and after 10-20 minutes you can see the result: one line indicates a negative result, and two lines indicate a positive one. 
If the results of the rapid test are not completely clear, then a sample is taken from the mucous membrane of the throat for examination in the laboratory. This allows you to identify the causative agent of the infection.
In some cases, additional diagnostics are required, for example, a clinical blood test with a leukocyte formula, a biochemical blood test or an ultrasound of the neck. 
What is the treatment for angina? 

Treatment of bacterial tonsillitis includes antibiotics. This is the main and most effective way to combat streptococcal angina.

Penicillin and amoxicillin are the most common antibiotics prescribed by doctors. If you are allergic to penicillins, the doctor will select an antibiotic from another group. 

It is usually necessary to take tablets or a liquid form of an antibiotic for 10 days. Be sure to follow the doctor's advice. You need to undergo a full course of treatment, even if you feel better, as it is necessary to destroy all bacteria. If you cancel the antibiotic yourself earlier, there are risks of developing antibiotic resistance.Also, bacteria may remain, and the infection will persist.

An antibiotic is not needed to treat viral sore throat. In such cases, they are ineffective, since they act only on bacteria.

Paracetamol or ibuprofen can relieve sore throat, lower fever and reduce inflammation. 

The ENT doctor may also prescribe rinses or medications with analgesic effect to reduce unpleasant sensations in the throat. 

During the period of illness, the body needs more energy to fight the disease, so rest more and do not exercise.

Warm drinks such as tea with honey or lemon, soups, and water help maintain water balance and soothe sore throats. 

The food should be soft so as not to irritate the throat. During treatment, do not eat spicy, acidic food and do not drink too hot drinks. Broths, yoghurts, mashed potatoes and other soft dishes will be useful.

Dry air can increase irritation in the throat, so use an air humidifier.

Is it possible to be cured in one day?

It is impossible to cure a sore throat in one day. Sore throat, especially bacterial (streptococcal) sore throat, takes time to recover, even with proper treatment. Antibiotics begin to take effect within a few hours after ingestion, but symptoms may persist for several more days. It usually takes at least 7-10 days for a full course of treatment and recovery.

If angina is caused by a virus, antibiotic treatment is not required. The body will cope with the infection itself within a few days. Relief of symptoms (sore throat, fever) is possible within a few days, but full recovery requires patience and a little time.

Unpleasant symptoms can be relieved in one day with the help of medications and home care, but it will not be possible to fully recover during this period.

When do I need to see a doctor urgently?

The help of a doctor is urgently needed when: 

Pronounced sore throat is accompanied by difficulty opening the mouth, increased salivation (may be a sign of a parathonsillary abscess).
The temperature is above 38.5 °C , does not decrease and lasts for five days.
The condition does not improve two or three days after the start of treatment, or even worsens.
Difficulty breathing, noisy breathing, salivation, hoarseness (may be signs of epiglottitis — inflammation of the epiglottis).

A long-running bacterial process without treatment can cause abscesses in the adjacent spaces of the neck.

The appearance of a rash on the skin may indicate scarlet fever or another infection that requires immediate attention. 

In case of recurrent sore throat (several times a year), the doctor may recommend the removal of tonsils. 

Also contact your doctor if allergic reactions occur after taking antibiotics: rash, swelling or difficulty breathing.

Common signs of deterioration, such as severe weakness, dizziness, also require monitoring. 

And what is the prevention?

The best way to prevent this is to maintain hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds. It is especially important to wash your hands after visiting public places, before eating (to protect yourself) and after coughing and sneezing (to protect others). There are other preventive measures that will help you stay healthy.:

If there is no soap and water, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
If possible, cough or sneeze into a napkin. Throw the used napkin in the trash.
If you don't have a napkin, cough and sneeze into your elbow, not into your palm.
Do not use the same dishes and cups with patients.

But if you do get sick, come to an appointment with the otolaryngologists of Olympus Clinics. It is better not to self-medicate, as there is a possibility that you will misdiagnose yourself and choose ineffective treatment methods.

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