What is important to know about teeth whitening?

A snow—white smile is a symbol not only of beauty, but also of health. One of the most effective ways to achieve a pearly smile is teeth whitening, which helps to change their color by several tones.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a dental procedure aimed at changing the color of teeth, which can be performed both in the dentist's office and at home (home professional whitening). Special devices and gels are used for whitening, which act on the pigments accumulated in the structures of the teeth, changing their color by several tones. 

Why does the enamel darken?

Darkening of tooth enamel can occur for various reasons:

Smoking. Nicotine and tar leave persistent stains on teeth.
Coloring pigments in coffee, tea, red wine, berries and sauces.
Insufficient teeth cleaning, poor oral hygiene.
Age-related changes, due to which the enamel becomes thinner, and the dentin (inner layer of the tooth) begins to shine through.
Injuries that damage the internal structures of the tooth.

To prevent darkening of teeth, you should brush them twice a day, use dental floss and mouthwash. It is also worth reducing the use of products with bright dyes, giving up smoking and visiting the dentist at least twice a year. You can always make an appointment with a specialist at Olympus Clinic to receive an individual approach and high-quality treatment.

The advantages of teeth whitening

Improving the appearance, the smile becomes brighter and more attractive.
The quick result is a significant lightening of the teeth in a short time.
Long-term effect, preservation of bleaching results for years.
The safety of bleaching performed under the supervision of an experienced dentist.

Disadvantages of teeth whitening

After whitening, teeth may become more sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks for several days.
After the procedure, you need to follow a white diet and avoid foods that can stain your teeth for 14 days 

When can't I do bleaching?

Bleaching is not performed for pregnant, lactating women, patients with an allergic reaction to bleaching agents, gum disease, braces, caries and enamel damage.

It is also undesirable to do whitening with hypersensitivity of the teeth. But in some cases, the procedure is possible after appropriate preparation — a course of remineralizing therapy.
Methods of teeth whitening
There are two main types of professional whitening: office and home.

Cabinet bleaching 

A procedure in which a whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth, which contains hydrogen peroxide. It penetrates into the internal structures of the tooth and releases free oxygen atoms, which destroy the molecules of natural pigments, thereby lightening the tooth tissue.

Various catalysts can be used to speed up the process:

Blue light: hardware whitening;
Laser: Laser whitening;
Heat: thermocatalytic bleaching;
Chemical catalyst: chemical bleaching.

The cabinet type of professional whitening allows you to lighten teeth by 6-8 tones in a short time. At the same time, the results of whitening are preserved for a long time while following the recommendations for dental care.

Intra-channel bleaching 

When it is necessary to lighten the tooth from the inside, the method of intra-channel whitening is used. It is used to whiten depulpated (dead) teeth that have darkened from the inside. 

The doctor opens the tooth cavity, places a whitening gel in it and closes the tooth with a temporary filling for 1-5 days. Then the gel applications are repeated several more times. At the end of the course, a permanent filling is installed on the tooth. After whitening, the tooth brightens by several tones, the result is preserved for a long time. 

Home bleaching

A procedure that allows you to lighten teeth outside the dental office by 3-4 tones. The doctor takes pictures of the teeth and makes an individual mouth guard, inside which the patient will apply a special gel. The mouth guard is worn for the recommended time, usually from 1 to 2 hours a day.

The procedure can be performed at any convenient time.
Despite the fact that bleaching is carried out at home, the process is controlled by a dentist, which ensures safety.
The mouth guard is made individually, which guarantees an accurate fit and even distribution of the gel.
Diet after teeth whitening

To preserve the result and avoid re-staining of the enamel, it is important to follow the nutrition recommendations after teeth whitening. He considers the "white diet" to be an ideal option.

What is a white diet after teeth whitening?

A white diet is a diet that involves the exclusion of food and drinks from the diet that can stain teeth. It is recommended to follow a diet for at least 48 hours after teeth whitening. To achieve the best effect, dentists recommend extending the white diet to 7-14 days.

The "White Diet": list of permitted products after teeth whitening:

White meat and fish: chicken, turkey, white fish.
Dairy products: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese.
Vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini.
Fruits: bananas, apples (without peel), pears (without peel).
Drinks: water, milk, green tea without additives.
Cereals and cereals: white rice, oatmeal, white bread, pasta made from white flour.

Foods to avoid:

Coloring drinks: coffee, black tea, red wine, juices.
Coloring products: beets, carrots, tomatoes, sauces.
Products with artificial colors: carbonated drinks, sweets.
Dark berries and fruits: cherries, blueberries, blackberries.
Food containing seasonings that can stain teeth, such as turmeric and curry.
Recommendations after teeth whitening

Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Use dental floss to remove plaque between your teeth and mouthwash to remove food debris and reduce the risk of staining.
Avoid sudden temperature changes. Hot and cold drinks and foods can cause discomfort and affect the sensitivity of teeth after whitening.
Drink plenty of water. Water helps to keep the oral cavity clean by washing out food residues and pigments.

Is it possible to drink after teeth whitening?
In the first 48 hours after bleaching, it is recommended to avoid drinks that can stain teeth, such as coffee, black tea, red wine, juices from bright fruits and vegetables, as well as carbonated drinks with dyes. Water, milk, green tea without additives and coconut water are allowed. If you still need to drink a coloring drink, use a straw to minimize the contact of liquid with your teeth.

Is it possible to smoke after teeth whitening?
Smoking cigarettes also negatively affects the color of teeth, contributing to their rapid darkening. It is recommended to completely stop smoking or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, especially in the first days after bleaching.

Teeth whitening is an effective way to improve not only the appearance of your smile, but also the general condition of the oral cavity. Visit Olympus Clinics for consultation and teeth whitening procedures. Our experienced dentists use advanced technologies and an individual approach to each patient to ensure the best result and the health of your smile.

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