What is the danger of flat feet and how to treat it?

Flat feet are an orthopedic problem in which the shape of the foot changes, its longitudinal and/or transverse arch decreases. Normally, the arches of the foot are responsible for cushioning and even distribution of the load when walking and running. But with flat feet, the foot cannot spring properly, which increases the load on the bones, joints and muscles of the legs.

What kind of flat feet are there? 

There are several degrees of flat feet, from mild to severe. They are determined by the angle of the arch of the foot and the degree of deformation. Depending on the degree of flat feet, the symptoms also change: from mild discomfort to severe pain and serious walking disorders.

What causes flat feet?

Flat feet can be both congenital and acquired. Congenital flat feet are often associated with abnormalities in the development of bones and ligaments of the foot, which occur in the womb. Acquired flat feet develop during life under the influence of various factors.

Causes of flat feet:

Genetic predisposition. Certain features of the structure of bones and ligaments of the foot can be transmitted from parents to children. 
Foot injuries. Fractures, sprains and other injuries can lead to flat feet.
Overweight. Excess weight creates additional stress on the feet, which contributes to their deformation. 
Wrong shoes. Especially dangerous are too soft shoes without supports and high heels, which change the natural distribution of the load on the feet.
Lack of physical activity. Weak muscles and ligaments of the foot cannot effectively support its arches. Children and adolescents whose feet are still forming are especially vulnerable.
Professional factors. People who spend a lot of time on their feet have an increased risk of developing flat feet.

Symptoms of flat feet

How to determine flat feet? Pay attention to the following symptoms: 

Pain in the feet and shins, which increases after prolonged walking.
Rapid fatigue of the legs even after short walks. 
Fluid retention and swelling in the legs.
Changes in gait, biomechanics of walking.

Can flat feet harm your health? The danger of flat feet is that it can actually cause or worsen other diseases. Due to improper load distribution on the joints, they become inflamed and wear out faster, causing arthritis and osteoarthritis. Overloads of the foot also lead to the formation of bone outgrowths — heel spurs, and impaired blood circulation, which can cause varicose veins. Flat feet even affect posture and back health, as they disrupt the biomechanics of walking. 

Due to the potential health risks posed by flat feet, it is important to diagnose the condition of the foot when the first symptoms appear, and, if necessary, treat it. 

Who treats flat feet?

Podiatrists treat diseases of the foot and lower extremities. They pay great attention to the prevention and early detection of flat feet, as well as the selection of orthopedic insoles and shoes. 

Orthopedists can also help with flat feet. They specialize in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. It is orthopedists who perform surgical operations to get rid of flat feet, if conservative methods of treatment have not had an effect. 

Diagnosis of flat feet

Diagnosis of flat feet is a complex process. First of all, the doctor evaluates the shape and position of the foot, the presence of flattening of the arches, as well as other visible signs of deformation. The doctor conducts functional tests to measure the amplitude of movements, stability and coordination tests. He also analyzes gait to identify changes in movement and assess their effect on joints and spine.

The following examinations help in the diagnosis of flat feet: 

Podometry allows you to obtain accurate data on the height and shape of the arches of the foot, as well as on the distribution of load on the foot when walking and standing.

Radiography shows the degree of flattening of the arches, and also identifies possible complications such as arthritis or arthrosis.

Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to detect ligament and tendon damage. 

Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor develops a treatment plan, which may include conservative methods or surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment of flat feet

With a slight degree of flat feet, which does not interfere with normal life, the doctor may suggest the use of orthopedic insoles and special shoes that help maintain the correct shape of the foot and reduce the load on the joints. Physiotherapy and physical therapy will also be useful, they will strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot and shin, improve their elasticity and functionality. 

Surgical treatment of flat feet

If conservative treatment does not bring sufficient results, surgical intervention may be required. Doctors often resort to the following operations to treat flat feet:

Correction of bone structures — operations to change the shape of the bones of the foot to restore the normal anatomy of the arches.
Ligament and tendon repair — operations to strengthen and repair damaged ligaments and tendons.
Arthrodesis is an operation to fuse the joints of the foot to stabilize them and eliminate pain.

Prevention of the development of flat feet

To prevent flat feet, it is necessary to wear the right shoes, choose orthopedic insoles, and regularly perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot and maintain a normal weight. It is also useful to undergo examinations by an orthopedist in order to track the signs of flat feet in time, avoid the development of complications and preserve the health of the foot.

Flat feet are a serious disease that can significantly reduce the quality of life. It is important to contact specialists in a timely manner at the first signs of illness. At Olympus Clinics, we take care of every patient and offer modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of flat feet so that you can return to an active and healthy life. Leave a request to make an appointment with one of our specialists.

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