Is ear pain a symptom of the disease?

Walking in windy weather, getting water in your ear while swimming, or ARVI can cause ear pain. It is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor, and it is not easy to tolerate ear pain, especially when it is acute. In the article we will tell you about ear diseases and how to treat them.

Pavel Dmitrievich Pryanikov, an otolaryngologist at Olympus Clinic, and Anastasia Nikolaevna Skuba, an otolaryngologist, told all about ear pain. 

Why can an ear hurt? 

Ear pain can occur for various reasons: 
Inflammation or injury of the outer ear
Diseases of the middle ear
Reflected pain when discomfort in the ear is associated with problems of similar anatomical structures, for example, with neuralgia.
Ear diseases and symptoms
Otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear of various etiologies. 

Things happen: 
Otitis externa is an inflammation of the auricle or skin of the external auditory canal.
Otitis media is an inflammation of the structures of the middle ear.
Internal otitis media (labyrinthitis) is a disease associated with damage to the organs of balance and hearing.
Unloading (intranasal) therapy at all stages of CCA (acute otitis media) to restore the function of the auditory tube.
Analgesic systemic therapy for pain relief.
Systemic antibiotic therapy is recommended for purulent forms.
With severe pain syndrome and swelling of the eardrum, paracentesis is indicated — an operation in which an incision is made in the eardrum to drain fluid or pus from the middle ear.
Otomycosis is an inflammation of the outer or middle ear, of fungal etiology. 
Treatment: Antifungal drops or ointments, toilet of the external auditory canal by a doctor.

Tinnitus (tinnitus). Symptoms of tinnitus are constant or periodic noise, ringing in the ears.
First, you need to determine the cause of tinnitus. The following drugs can be used as therapy: 
Sedatives and tranquilizers 
Drugs that improve blood supply 
Vitamin therapy 
Pneumatic massage 
The methods of surgical treatment can be: 
Tympanoplasty and stapedoplasty 
Neurosurgical intervention 
Prosthetics of the hearing organ
Eustachiitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and the tympanic cavity. Symptoms of eustachiitis: feeling of stuffiness in the ear, hearing loss, feeling of pressure in the ear, tinnitus.
Anti-inflammatory therapy to relieve inflammation and improve the patency of the tube.
Vasoconstrictive drops to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
Antihistamines in the presence of allergic reactions to medications.
In some cases, it may be necessary to blow the auditory tube or physiotherapy to restore its function. 
Meniere's disease is a disease in which an excessive amount of fluid accumulates in the cavity of the inner ear. Symptoms include dizziness, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
*Medications and treatment plan are prescribed by an otolaryngologist
The use of atropine to eliminate an attack of acute dizziness. 
Also, to get rid of acute vestibular dizziness — dimengydrinate, diphenhydramine or diphenhydramine.
Lorazepam in a dose or diazepam for acute dizziness.
Betahistine after a vertigo attack and with an inter-onset period of less than three months.
An individual course of diuretics (potassium-sparing, thiazide, etc.) or carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (optimally, acetazolamide). A doctor makes a treatment plan.
The operation is indicated if conservative treatment is ineffective for 6-12 months.
Hearing-preserving surgery or selective laser destruction of the ampullary receptor of the horizontal semicircular canal is recommended as an initial stage in the first and second stages of Meniere's disease.
Destructive operations are recommended as the second stage if the hearing-preserving operation is ineffective.
Maybe it's a plug in the ears? 
A sulfur plug in the ear is a condition in which an excessive amount of earwax accumulates in the ear canal. This can cause ear congestion, hearing loss, and is usually eliminated by simply removing the plug by a doctor or special drops.
How is the sulfur plug removed at Olympus Clinics? 
Removal of sulfur plugs is carried out in the office of an ENT doctor. The doctor uses sulfur softeners or special tools to gently remove the plug. 
After the procedure, the patient can immediately return to his usual business. There may be slight discomfort or moisture in the ear. 
Make an appointment with the otolaryngologists of Olympus Clinics to avoid complications and damage to the ear canal or eardrum. All stages of the procedure are carried out quickly and as painlessly as possible. 
And how to quickly cope with ear pain? 
We do not recommend self-medication for ear pain, since the ears are close to the brain and the bones of the skull. Incorrectly selected medications can lead to complications affecting these structures.
In case of severe pain, you can try the following measures before visiting a doctor: 
Painkillers: Take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to reduce pain and inflammation.
Ear drops: Use special ear drops (for example, with an anesthetic) if they have been recommended by a doctor.
Keep your head upright: Try to keep your head above body level (for example, while sitting) to reduce pressure in your ear.
Chewing movements: Gentle chewing movements can help, especially if the pain is associated with pressure drops, for example, with a cold.
If you have all of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
If the pain does not subside or is accompanied by purulent discharge, hearing impairment or high fever, consult a doctor urgently. We will receive you out of turn. Our specialists use modern diagnostic methods to detect hearing disorders, so they will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. 
Popular questions
Why do ears sometimes "pop up" during takeoff and landing of an airplane? 
Answer: When changing altitude, changes in air pressure can cause "stuffy" ears. This is due to the fact that the auditory tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, does not have time to quickly stabilize the pressure between the inner and outer spaces of the ear. As a result, there is a feeling of pressure in the ears. Most often, this condition can be relieved by making swallowing movements or closing the mouth, pinching the nose and exhaling gently with it, which helps to open the auditory tube and equalize the pressure.
Why can I sharply hear ultrasound when there is silence around or there are no external sound sources? 
Answer: This can be a sign of tinnitus and occur due to damage in the cochlea of the inner ear, exposure to loud sound, and ear infections. If tinnitus becomes permanent, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and selection of therapy.
Why can the ears hurt when the temperature changes, for example, when moving from a cold space to a warm one? 
Answer: Pain in the ears with a change in temperature may occur due to the fact that sudden changes in temperature lead to a contraction and expansion of blood vessels in the ear and auditory tube. Also, such fluctuations can affect the internal pressure in the ear, which causes discomfort. 
Do not forget to take care of your ears: you need to clean the external auditory canal carefully, without using cotton swabs, so as not to push the sulfur deeper. It is enough to gently wipe the external auditory canal with a towel or napkin after a shower. 
Keep in mind hygiene when using earplugs, headphones and hearing aids.

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