Leica M320 Hi-End Operating Microscope

An operating microscope with Hi-End equipment, which offers the highest image clarity and accuracy in visualization.

Leica M320 Hi-End Operating Microscope
The Leica M320 Hi-End is equipped with an advanced optical system and an integrated Full HD video camera, which allows doctors to perform complex operations with maximum accuracy.

Преимущества системы

High resolution images
Minimal intervention
Speedy healing
Reducing pain
A comprehensive system of lenses and mirrors to create a detailed image

A comprehensive system of lenses and mirrors to create a detailed image

The dual LED backlight generates a bright and uniform light corresponding to daylight, which ensures a clear and natural visual perception of fabrics.

Full HD Digital Video Camera

Full HD Digital Video Camera

Allows doctors to record the entire course of the operation for subsequent analysis. Patients can see the results of their treatment and better understand the proposed dental procedures.

Outdoor mobile stand and adjustable binocular tube

Outdoor mobile stand and adjustable binocular tube

They ensure optimal placement of equipment during procedures for the convenience and safety of treatment.

Технические характеристики

Digital video camera

Full HD with photo and video recording capabilities

Dual LED backlight

Brightness up to 100,000 lux with a color temperature corresponding to daylight

Adjustable binocular tube

From 0 to 180 degrees for optimal viewing angle and operator comfort.

Показания и противопоказания

Microsurgical dental procedures.
Endodontic treatment and surgery.
Periodontal surgery and implantation.
General dental procedures that require improved visualization.
Выберите клиники
  • Олимп Клиник Садовая
  • Олимп Клиник Огни
  • Пластическая хирургия
  • Косметология
  • Стоматология
  • Гинекология
  • Челюстно-лицевая хирургия
  • Флебология
  • Оториноларингология
  • Хирургия
  • Травматология и ортопедия
  • Хирургия кисти
  • Терапия
  • Анестезиология-реаниматология
  • Аллергология и иммунология
  • Гастроэнтерология
  • Дерматология
  • Кардиология
  • Колопроктология
  • Неврология
  • Офтальмология
  • Педиатрия
  • Психология
  • Ревматология
  • Ультразвуковое обследование
  • Центр психиатрии и психотерапии
  • Эндокринология
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Leica M320 Hi-End Operating Microscope
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