Roman Mikhailovich

Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist. Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department.

from 0 years
Specializes in general and regional anesthesia (including ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia), outpatient anesthesiology, as well as combined and multimodal anesthesia.
Professional experience since 2005

Professional experience since 2005

Dr. Gavrilov is an expert in applying regional anesthesia under ultrasound control, implantation of venous port-systems for chemotherapy, and parenteral nutrition.

Education and qualifications

Higher education
work experience


Basic education in General Medicine

S.M Kirov Medical Military Academy


Head of the Department

Military Hospital


Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist

European Medical Center


Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist. Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department.

Olymp Clinic MARS

Patients reviews

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Комментарий с НаПоправку
Aug 2, 2023

In 2019, Roman Mikhailovich did his job for all one hundred points out of a hundred possible!!!

Comment from the producers
Dec 15, 2021

I had a complicated operation in 2003 and spent several days in intensive care. They say about such patients - a difficult patient, in a word - they were returned from the other world! I've been celebrating my second birthday for 18 years now! :) I was treated by several doctors, a surgeon, an attending physician and an anesthesiologist Gavrilov R.M. Thank them very much for their professionalism!

Specialist Activities

Consultation with an anesthesiologist-resuscitator

Our specialists will help to create the most favorable and safe conditions for patients, consult in detail and select the most appropriate method of anesthesia, as well as help prepare for surgery.

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Freedom of active life!

Soon your achievements will become your habit.

Freedom of active life!
Technologies that work for your future

Technologies that work for your future

We carefully choose each device that will be used in working with the patient: from an MRI scan with 4D imaging to a CT scanner with accurate 3D model construction. In the operating unit, specialists also use the most advanced solutions — in emergency situations, in case of injuries and for solving complex surgical tasks. Our complex of high-tech equipment from the world's most reputable manufacturers allows patients to use all the achievements of modern medicine and get the best diagnostic and treatment results.

Attention that heals

Attention that heals

We know that a warm human attitude is just as important for recovery as high-quality equipment. From the very first minutes in the clinic, you will be surrounded by a team that sincerely cares about each patient. Our doctors are the best in their fields, but not only because of their education and experience, but also because of their sensitivity: they listen attentively, explain all stages of treatment and are always supportive. From the friendly receptionist to the professor in the operating room, all our specialists work together to make the patient feel in safe hands.

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Olymp Clinic MARS
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Pavel Ermolaev
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Experience: 20 years


Deputy Chief physician for medical work, head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive care, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, doctor of the highest category. ESAIC member, FAR

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Gavrilov Roman Mikhailovich
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Experience: 20 years

GavrilovRoman Mikhailovich

Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist. Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department.

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Boldyreva Lyubov Vitalyevna
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Experience: 12 years

BoldyrevaLyubov Vitalyevna

Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist

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Buravlev Bogdan Nikolaevich
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Experience: 9 years

BuravlevBogdan Nikolaevich

Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Specialist

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Klimenkov Georgy Sergeevich
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Experience: 9 years

KlimenkovGeorgy Sergeevich

The anesthesiologist is a resuscitator, a transfusiologist.

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How to reach

Moscow, 1st Yamskogo Polya Street, 15
Operating mode
Mon–Sun Around the clock
+7 495 255-50-03
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How to get

From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line - exit 4 After exiting the subway, walk through the pedestrian tunnel and climb the stairs. Move towards the railway tracks, go down the stairs immediately after them and walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS.

Travel time

9 minutes


Olympus Clinic MARS sign

How to get

From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Ring line - exit 2. After exiting the subway, turn left and walk to the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road through two pedestrian crossings and move along the Tverskoy overpass. Go down the stairs immediately after the railway tracks, walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS

Travel time

11 minutes


Olympus Clinic MARS sign

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Gavrilov Roman Mikhailovich


Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
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