Thornwald's Bag
This is a benign congenital cyst-like formation that is located on the back wall of the nasopharynx.

Thornwald's bag is a small formation in the nasopharynx, resembling a cyst or pocket, located in the same place where children have adenoids. It is formed due to a violation of the embryonic development of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, when the nasopharyngeal pocket does not completely close.
For the development of a clinical disease, a bag (cyst) Tornvalda should be present in a person from birth. It is formed in the embryonic period of development of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, if the nasopharyngeal pocket does not completely close. In the future, under the influence of provoking factors, infection of the bag may occur, an increase in its volume and the appearance of symptoms of the disease.
Predisposing factors:
Frequent infections of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, especially chronic long-term adenoiditis.
Allergic reactions that predispose to infection in the nasopharynx.
Adverse environmental factors and occupational hazards (e.g. inhalation of harmful substances or biological agents).
Runoff of discharge from the nasopharynx along the back wall of the pharynx, most often purulent in nature with an unpleasant odor, or a feeling of a lump between the nasopharynx and pharynx.
Frequent difficulty in nasal breathing.
Chronic nasal discharge.
Frequent upper respiratory tract infections.
Bad breath.
Frequent sore throat.
Stuffy ears.
Without treatment, Tornwald's cyst can lead to recurrent nasopharyngeal infections and chronic inflammatory processes — rhinitis, recurrent inflammatory processes of the pharynx and lower respiratory tract.

Conservative treatment:
Conservative treatment may include the use of nasal sprays to reduce the symptoms of inflammation and relieve swelling, antibacterial therapy in the presence of purulent inflammation, as well as irrigation to cleanse the nasal cavity. If an allergy is detected, the allergist prescribes appropriate therapy. In the presence of complications, pronounced symptoms or ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, surgical removal of the Tornwald bag is indicated.

Surgical treatment:
Thornwald cyst removal surgery is performed endoscopically under general anesthesia. The modern method of choice is to use a microdebrider (shaver), which gently removes the altered tissues inside the cyst cavity. At the end of the operation, coagulation of the wound surface is performed (using the radio wave method, laser or other technologies) to prevent bleeding. This method allows you to minimize the trauma of the nasopharyngeal tissues and at the same time perform the operation efficiently, completely cleansing the cyst cavity. After surgery, the patient can be discharged home on the same day or the next. Soreness after the intervention is usually absent. During the week after the operation, it is recommended to refrain from physical exertion and air travel, and individual recommendations can also be given.
Schedule a visit to the clinic
How to reach
Moscow, 1st Yamskogo Polya Street, 15
Mon–Sun Around the clock
+7 495 255-50-03
How to get
From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line - exit 4 After exiting the subway, walk through the pedestrian tunnel and climb the stairs. Move towards the railway tracks, go down the stairs immediately after them and walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS.
Travel time
9 minutes
Olympus Clinic MARS sign
How to get
From the Belorusskaya metro station of the Ring line - exit 2. After exiting the subway, turn left and walk to the pedestrian crossing. Cross the road through two pedestrian crossings and move along the Tverskoy overpass. Go down the stairs immediately after the railway tracks, walk along the house, then turn right onto 1st Yamskoye Pole Street. At the turn to 3rd Yamsky Pole Street, cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and continue along 1st Yamsky Field Street, after a few buildings on the left you will see Olympus Clinic MARS
Travel time
11 minutes
Olympus Clinic MARS sign