Otitis media in children and its treatment

Inflammatory processes in different parts of the ear that cause discomfort are called otitis media. It may be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort / pain / congestion in the ear, hearing loss, as well as an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Almost every child under the age of 7 is faced with this disease.

To diagnose the disease in children, an otoscope examination is performed by an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. Based on the symptoms and the doctor's opinion, medication is prescribed (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs, etc.).

If symptoms indicating otitis media appear, you should immediately consult a doctor in order not to start the disease and prevent the transition to a chronic form.

Why do children often get otitis media?

Children's auditory tubes are more likely to get infected, as they are shorter and wider than in adults. Also, the appearance of otitis media can be affected by:

  • adenoid hypertrophy, diseases of the nose and nasopharynx

  • Hypovitaminosis D

  • Lack of vaccination against pneumococcal infection 

  • Wounds of the auditory canal (abrasions and scratches)

  • Injuries to the eardrum

  • Congenital anomalies and malformations of the hearing organ

Forms of otitis media

Pneumococcus is the main causative agent of otitis media in children, but other bacteria, viruses and fungi may be the cause of the disease. The form of otitis depends on the site of inflammation: 
Otitis externa is an inflammation of the external auditory canal. It can be limited (boil) and diffuse. 
Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by complications of viral or bacterial infections and injuries to the eardrum.
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear after sinusitis, meningitis or purulent otitis media.


The form of the disease depends on the symptoms and complaints of the child.
With otitis externa, the temperature rises and there is a characteristic pain in the ears.
Otitis media is characterized by more severe pain and hearing impairment, as well as possible nausea and vomiting, purulent discharge. Infants may refuse to eat and press their ears to a warm surface. Sometimes there is tinnitus.
Sudden hearing loss and coordination problems indicate labyrinthitis. 
The disease will progress rapidly if you start the treatment process. For example, external otitis media can go into the middle, and then internal.


To diagnose otitis media, an examination of the ear sections (otoscopy) is most often prescribed. Sometimes additional studies may be needed, such as audiometry (determination of hearing acuity), tympanometry (determination of disturbances in the patency of sound vibrations), ETF test (test for determining the functional ability of the auditory tube) or CT (computed tomography) to assess the condition of the temporal bone. 


Otitis media can be treated conservatively and surgically.
Treatment of otitis externa includes painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol), hygiene of the external auditory canal and local treatment.
Otitis media can also be treated with painkillers.
Otitis media is treated with antibiotics, and sometimes surgical intervention with a puncture of the eardrum (paracentesis) is necessary. Similar treatment is necessary for moderate exudative non-purulent otitis media.
In the case of labyrinthitis, treatment depends on the cause of the disease.

What is the danger of otitis media?

Timely treatment, as a rule, avoids complications. However, with improper treatment, serious complications are possible. For example, the zygomatic process may become inflamed, which will lead to zygomastitis or mastoiditis. More acute forms can contribute to complications inside the skull (brain abscess and meningitis), hearing loss or facial nerve paralysis. 

Recommendations for prevention

In order to avoid the appearance of otitis media or reduce the risk of complications in a child, it is recommended: 
Teach your child ear and nose hygiene (how to blow your nose properly, clean your ears without using cotton swabs).
Get vaccinated against pneumococcus.
Include vitamin D in your child's diet in the form of a supplement or vitamin-rich food.
Avoid getting water into the ear canal while swimming in stagnant reservoirs and clean your ears from water in time if it gets there.
If there is pain in the ear, do not postpone a visit to the pediatrician.

In our clinic, experienced highly qualified pediatricians and otolaryngologists diagnose and treat otitis media in children. The clinic's equipment allows for a complete diagnosis and examination so that your child can easily and quickly transfer the disease.

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